Today Nancy Pelosi will preside over another day in a lame duck session of the House of Representatives.
Pelosi has refused to resign her role as the leader of the Democratic party in the House .
Heath Shuler is going to challenge Pelosi for the leadership position .
Jim Clayburn seems to have agreed to take a new position that leaves him 3rd in power .
Clyburn allowed Pelosi to make up a new position and buy him off , preventing him from challenging her for Minority leader
Clyburn sold out , he would have 39 votes of the CBC and with Shuler looking for votes ,would it be impossible for some one to take the gavel from Pelosi in the 112th Congress?
Pelosi has her hands full as she tries to pass legislation in the lame duck session .
Obama was scheduled to have a meeting in the White House to discuss the issue of extending the current tax rates on November 18th.That meeting has now been rescheduled for Nov. 30th.
What issues that need to be voted on in the session ?
"Doc Fix " The current " patch " expires on Nov. 30th , the Democrats withheld this compensation out of Obamacare to manipulate the cost , will Republicans remind them of this ?
" Tax Cuts " Pelosi didn't have the votes to defeat the extension before the midterms and it doesn't seem likely that has changed
" START TREATY " Kyl has indicated this will not pass in the SENATE until the new Senators are sworn in 2011.
" DREAM ACT" A cute name for AMNESTY not many folks agree with Obama sueing AZ , and this seems unpopular as well.
" Unemployment Benefits " Many lawmakers were skeptical of this the last time it was extended may be even tougher this time around .Perhaps Pelosi will let it be voted down and blame it on Republicans ?
"FY2011 BUDGET " the continuing resolution funding the government in the absence of a budget expires on Dec. 3rd.
Pelosi pulled one of her dirty tricks by not creating the FY2011 budget and bringing it to a vote before the midterm elections .
What was her motive ? Is it a different motive than the one she had when she withheld the FY2009 budget until after the 2008 election ?
The USA is currently operating on a " continuing resolution " . Did Pelosi really believe she could write a new budget in 2011 because the Democrats would retain control of the House ?
NO, she knew she didn't have the votes for another massive budget and even presenting it for a vote would be bad for Democrats in the midterm elections .
Pelosi will probably waste the entire session and that's a good thing as she has already spent the country broke on the previous budgets she has passed .
The infighting and blame game is about to begin .
The CBC will at some point have to denounce Pelosi , so called " moderate Democrats " will run from Pelosi , and the Republicans have voted together for 2 years and are not about to change course now .
Obama is in a tough spot , he says he will not bend on extending the current tax rates for people making over 250K .
He will soon find out he will either have to break that promise or veto a bill that will raise taxes on everyone .
Once Boehnor is sworn into office in January , Obama will no longer have the easy path he has enjoyed in the House for the last 2 years .
21 Democratic Senators are up for re election in 2012 and will surely think long and hard about voting on anything that looks like it has the Obama seal of approval .
More of Obama's advisors will jump ship as it has veered of course and a few holes are leaking .
How long before the Democratic strategists decide that Obama will not win re election in 2012 and unless they get Hillary to run , a Republican will be elected President and OBAMACARE will be repealed .
Can Obamacare be defunded ?
It will fly through the HOUSE and onto the Senate . Which Senators will be brave enough to vote against the repeal and have that
used against them in the 2012 elections ?
Obama would have to VETO it and that would not go well at all with most Americans .
Obama has lost the independent voters , soon he will lose favor with the far left liberals also.
Expect the next few days to be really bad for Pelosi , Obama , and Democrats in general .
Congress will only be in session a few more days until they break and when they go back to D.C. , John Boehnor will be in control of the House and all of a sudden Obama will have to climb down from his ivory tower and try to work with both parties in Congress.
He won't , he can't .His ego and radical leftist agenda will not allow him to do so .
Obama will resort to executive orders and other tricks to impose his agenda and bypass Congress.
How will Americans feel about that ?
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Another week and another discovery of what a corrupt and unconstitutional law Obamacare really is .
Remember the claim that 375,000 Americans with pre-existing conditions HHS said would apply for coverage in the first year of ObamaCare?
8,011 is the actual number that signed up .
The other bit of good news is that Kathleen Sebelius has granted
111 groups and businesses waivers from having to participate in Obamacare
As bad as that sounds it actually gets better .
Here are the top groups by number of participants :
UFT Welfare Fund ( NYC Teachers Union ) 351,000
CIGNA 265,000
AETNA 209,423
BCS Insurance( 29,500 McDonalds employees) 115,000
WOW just 4 groups account for 80% of the 1,175,411 individuals granted an exemption ?
Dig deeper and you find that BCS is the company that insures McDonalds employees at
10,500 U.S. locations.
Aetna provides the insurance plans to Home Depot Inc., Disney Worldwide Services, CVS Caremark Corp., Staples Inc. and Blockbuster Inc., among others.
Aetna also covers AmeriCorps teaching-program sponsors, who are required by law to make health coverage available.
SO what we have is a massive government takeover to make sure that low wage earners and people with pre existing conditions will have insurance with FULL BENEFITS .
Oddly , the pool of pre existing condition individuals are not interested in enrolling ( could it be they get better care through charitable organizations )
The pool of individuals that are left out in the cold because the corporations wouldn't provide robust health plans , suddenly find themselves exempted from the very law that would ensure they were covered under a real health care plan.
How many corporations and plans are covered by CIGNA ,AETNA, and BCS?
If McDonalds accounts for only 29,500 out of the 589,423 individuals covered by the exemption it has to be a large number of corporations.
Ruby Tuesday ,Olive Garden,Cracker Barrel,v, and Red Lobster received the exemption also .
GOOD job Pelosi and Obama , you passed a law that really does none of the things it is supposed to do ,and you created a mountain of paperwork in the form of new 1099 filings , not to mention restrictions on owning gold coins and numerous other worthless restrictions that are uncovered everyday
Could we have a count of the silly elected officials that voted for this travesty and would like to take their vote back ?
The exemptions are primarily Insurance and Health care providers and UNION workers
The lawyers will eat the exemptions up , how can that be " equal protection under the law " ?
Obama chastised George Stephanopolous for reading him the definition of a " TAX " from a dictionary and stated on ABC that OBAMACARE was not a tax
Should we be surprised that Obama has appointed a small army of lawyers to defend the lawsuits filed by the states against Obamacare , and the defense is " It's a new TAX"
Soon we will see how the 111 groups are positioned to the people who voted for Obamacare
More of the exemptions :
Service Employees Benefit Fund
UFCW Allied Trade Health & Welfare Trust
HCR Manor Care
IBEW No.915
New England Health Care
Aegis Insurance
Alliance One Tobacco ( how hypocritical is that ?)
Asbestos Workers Local 53 Welfare Fund
Assurant Health
Captain Elliot's Party Boats
Employees Security Fund
Florida Trowel Trades
O'Reilly Auto Parts
Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 123 Welfare Fund
UFCW Local 227
American Fidelity
Local 25 SEIU
GuideStone Financial Resources
Preferred Care, Inc.
UFCW Local 1262
Assisted Living Concepts
Grace Living Centers
Pocono Medical Center
Regis Corporation
Local 802 Musicians Health Fund
Medical Card System
Local 17 Hospitality Benefit Fund
Harden Healthcare
Health and Welfare Benefit System
Health Connector
Sanderson Plumbing Products, Inc.
Baptist Retirement
Remember the claim that 375,000 Americans with pre-existing conditions HHS said would apply for coverage in the first year of ObamaCare?
8,011 is the actual number that signed up .
The other bit of good news is that Kathleen Sebelius has granted
111 groups and businesses waivers from having to participate in Obamacare
As bad as that sounds it actually gets better .
Here are the top groups by number of participants :
UFT Welfare Fund ( NYC Teachers Union ) 351,000
CIGNA 265,000
AETNA 209,423
BCS Insurance( 29,500 McDonalds employees) 115,000
WOW just 4 groups account for 80% of the 1,175,411 individuals granted an exemption ?
Dig deeper and you find that BCS is the company that insures McDonalds employees at
10,500 U.S. locations.
Aetna provides the insurance plans to Home Depot Inc., Disney Worldwide Services, CVS Caremark Corp., Staples Inc. and Blockbuster Inc., among others.
Aetna also covers AmeriCorps teaching-program sponsors, who are required by law to make health coverage available.
SO what we have is a massive government takeover to make sure that low wage earners and people with pre existing conditions will have insurance with FULL BENEFITS .
Oddly , the pool of pre existing condition individuals are not interested in enrolling ( could it be they get better care through charitable organizations )
The pool of individuals that are left out in the cold because the corporations wouldn't provide robust health plans , suddenly find themselves exempted from the very law that would ensure they were covered under a real health care plan.
How many corporations and plans are covered by CIGNA ,AETNA, and BCS?
If McDonalds accounts for only 29,500 out of the 589,423 individuals covered by the exemption it has to be a large number of corporations.
Ruby Tuesday ,Olive Garden,Cracker Barrel,v, and Red Lobster received the exemption also .
GOOD job Pelosi and Obama , you passed a law that really does none of the things it is supposed to do ,and you created a mountain of paperwork in the form of new 1099 filings , not to mention restrictions on owning gold coins and numerous other worthless restrictions that are uncovered everyday
Could we have a count of the silly elected officials that voted for this travesty and would like to take their vote back ?
The exemptions are primarily Insurance and Health care providers and UNION workers
The lawyers will eat the exemptions up , how can that be " equal protection under the law " ?
Obama chastised George Stephanopolous for reading him the definition of a " TAX " from a dictionary and stated on ABC that OBAMACARE was not a tax
Should we be surprised that Obama has appointed a small army of lawyers to defend the lawsuits filed by the states against Obamacare , and the defense is " It's a new TAX"
Soon we will see how the 111 groups are positioned to the people who voted for Obamacare
More of the exemptions :
Service Employees Benefit Fund
UFCW Allied Trade Health & Welfare Trust
HCR Manor Care
IBEW No.915
New England Health Care
Aegis Insurance
Alliance One Tobacco ( how hypocritical is that ?)
Asbestos Workers Local 53 Welfare Fund
Assurant Health
Captain Elliot's Party Boats
Employees Security Fund
Florida Trowel Trades
O'Reilly Auto Parts
Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 123 Welfare Fund
UFCW Local 227
American Fidelity
Local 25 SEIU
GuideStone Financial Resources
Preferred Care, Inc.
UFCW Local 1262
Assisted Living Concepts
Grace Living Centers
Pocono Medical Center
Regis Corporation
Local 802 Musicians Health Fund
Medical Card System
Local 17 Hospitality Benefit Fund
Harden Healthcare
Health and Welfare Benefit System
Health Connector
Sanderson Plumbing Products, Inc.
Baptist Retirement
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Posted on November 4, 2010 12:25 PM EST
Congress will begin it’s Lame Duck Session on November 15 th.
Reid has signaled Democrats would likely vote against a wholesale extension of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts.
So much for compromise , Obama and Reid have no intention of moving to the right ,even if it might help the economy.
Obama may be playing hard ball and provide a last minute Executive Order that will make him look like the ” Good Guy ” who overcame partisan politics to look out for the average American.
Bill Clinton would have done it that way as he was a smart President .
What else will unfold in the next few days and weeks ?
Expect to see the media to shift a bit to the right and appear to actually do some objective reporting.
Why now ?
Money, plain and simple .
Fox had a huge number in the election coverage 6.96 million viewers in prime time on Tuesday, compared to 2.42 million for CNN, and 1.94 million viewers for MSNBC.
Fox had 3.06 million viewers on election night in 2006.
That is a huge increase and shows that cable news viewers are deciding not to tune in to the left leaning slant of networks like MSNBC.
MSNBC was widely criticized for its coverage , and with a new owner taking over , rumor is that many things will change .
Reporters are aware of this transition and will take their career in mind , easy choice their career or Obama’s.
The Networks played the game for over 3 years and now the honeymoon is over .
CNN has recently made changes and I would think more are to come , as far as MSNBC goes , it may not even be recognizable in its current form after Comcast starts running things .
Networks have to start doing responsible reporting or lose the revenue .
Newspapers are struggling and they must “recalibrate” also.
Suddenly we will see more of the Liberal columnists follow Maureen O’Dowd’s path
The new Senator from IL ( Mark Kirk ), will be a net gain in the Senate so it may be harder to get bills through in the Lame Duck .
Mike Pence has already tipped his hand .
Soon Romney and Gingrich will throw their hats into the ring also
How long before Hillary emerges ? Will she make a statement when she returns stateside ?
I think perhaps she waits until the new Congress is sworn in, then announces Obama has been ineffective due to his inexperience and she can no longer bring change in her role under her leadership , and she will resign to concentrate on building the apparatus to bring ” real change to America “
Make no mistake she will run, and as Obama stumbles, fumbles, and disenfranchises himself from the average American citizen , it only plays into everything Hillary said on the campaign trail in 2008.
The DNC will quickly embrace Hillary and expect a good 18 month campaign to emerge .
CNN has released a poll that shows that Huckabee leads Obama 52 – 44 percent, while Romney has a 50-45 point advantage, and Obama holds a 49-47 percent margin over Gingrich.
I do not think any of these 3 are strong candidates and that just reinforces that Obama has lost his rock star status among the swing voters.
Boehnor will quickly go to work and he has planned for this day , do not expect him to waste one minute .
Today Lamar Smith, the San Antonio Congressman who is in line to become chairman of the powerful House Judiciary Committee is promising ‘a number of investigations and oversight committee actions’ which he vows will ‘hold the administration accountable,’
Smith said that reform of the 14th Amendment, which grants automatic citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants who are born in the U.S., is also an issue his committee may take up under his chairmanship.
Expect Jeff Session to provide full co operation in the Senate .
Redistricting will favor Republican control of the House for a few election cycles .
Tuesday’s verdict will accompany a perfect storm .
1) The best way to have a wave election is to have the other party control the presidency during a bad economy or some kind of major scandal, we have the poor economy and investigations will provide Democratic scandals
2)Republicans had their wave election at a very convenient time, putting themselves in position to control numerous state legislatures and thus control the next round of redistricting, which will last a decade.
3) The cluster of blue areas has been even more compressed ,and redistricting plays against Democrats.
How many Democrats will switch parties and become Republicans ?
The President and some of the media may try to say that Republicans are ” obstructing “, but now most Republican bills in the House sail right through , and then the scenario in the Senate will be reversed , all of a sudden Democrats will be voting no.
I think Boehnor will emphasize this and use audio and video clips to show Obama’s hypocrisy.
The media slowly moves right , but it will be more obvious once the new Congress is sworn in.
When will we see reporting on the 34 warships Obama is taking to India?
The 200 million dollars per day he will spend while in India with his massive entourage ?
Sadly , it probably is not to be .
Obama, should have acknowledged he needs to re evaluate his agenda an policies , he was asked this question several times Wednesday and flatly said he didn’t think that was the case.
10 questions and 47 minutes to answer them.
Energy policy, green cars ,I will look at all good ideas.
Same tired, old, worn out, answers to almost tough questions presented to him, by a White House press corps that seemed to magically morph overnight .
He sounds like an old scratched vinyl record .
Will the cabinet resignations begin once Obama returns with 3,000 staffers on their expensive 10 day tour abroad ?
Obama had a great chance to pivot , announce that the country was amid another ” emergency / crisis ” and that it wasn’t wise to leave right now , and he needed to stay home to tend to business ( let alone save over 1 Billion dollars )
NO, Obama is sure he is the smartest human on the planet and the rest of us are to stupid to think for ourselves , and are only here to serve and amuse him .
The dynamic has changed in the House , the Senate will likely flip in 2012 .
All across America, most voters chose to elect representatives that would try and reign in spending and fix the horrendous Health Care reform mess
Obama is staying on course , he only has two paths , another term , or use this as stepping stone to the United Nations ,and a bigger revenue stream of socialist payouts from people like SOROS .
Watch for the small signs in the coming days, the message is being sent , Obama is the poison pill, either push back or swallow an extra handful.
Pelosi will likely resign rather than hand the gavel over in shame .
Oher lawmakers who know they will be investigated by Republicans now instead of Democrats will resign by January .
Maxine Waters should make quite a show of herself .
What about Eric Holder ?
I would think his handling of the NBP case will be in the cross hairs also.
The media has come along way since it dismissed the ” Tea Party “.
It still has a long way to go ………
Posted on November 4, 2010 12:25 PM EST
Congress will begin it’s Lame Duck Session on November 15 th.
Reid has signaled Democrats would likely vote against a wholesale extension of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts.
So much for compromise , Obama and Reid have no intention of moving to the right ,even if it might help the economy.
Obama may be playing hard ball and provide a last minute Executive Order that will make him look like the ” Good Guy ” who overcame partisan politics to look out for the average American.
Bill Clinton would have done it that way as he was a smart President .
What else will unfold in the next few days and weeks ?
Expect to see the media to shift a bit to the right and appear to actually do some objective reporting.
Why now ?
Money, plain and simple .
Fox had a huge number in the election coverage 6.96 million viewers in prime time on Tuesday, compared to 2.42 million for CNN, and 1.94 million viewers for MSNBC.
Fox had 3.06 million viewers on election night in 2006.
That is a huge increase and shows that cable news viewers are deciding not to tune in to the left leaning slant of networks like MSNBC.
MSNBC was widely criticized for its coverage , and with a new owner taking over , rumor is that many things will change .
Reporters are aware of this transition and will take their career in mind , easy choice their career or Obama’s.
The Networks played the game for over 3 years and now the honeymoon is over .
CNN has recently made changes and I would think more are to come , as far as MSNBC goes , it may not even be recognizable in its current form after Comcast starts running things .
Networks have to start doing responsible reporting or lose the revenue .
Newspapers are struggling and they must “recalibrate” also.
Suddenly we will see more of the Liberal columnists follow Maureen O’Dowd’s path
The new Senator from IL ( Mark Kirk ), will be a net gain in the Senate so it may be harder to get bills through in the Lame Duck .
Mike Pence has already tipped his hand .
Soon Romney and Gingrich will throw their hats into the ring also
How long before Hillary emerges ? Will she make a statement when she returns stateside ?
I think perhaps she waits until the new Congress is sworn in, then announces Obama has been ineffective due to his inexperience and she can no longer bring change in her role under her leadership , and she will resign to concentrate on building the apparatus to bring ” real change to America “
Make no mistake she will run, and as Obama stumbles, fumbles, and disenfranchises himself from the average American citizen , it only plays into everything Hillary said on the campaign trail in 2008.
The DNC will quickly embrace Hillary and expect a good 18 month campaign to emerge .
CNN has released a poll that shows that Huckabee leads Obama 52 – 44 percent, while Romney has a 50-45 point advantage, and Obama holds a 49-47 percent margin over Gingrich.
I do not think any of these 3 are strong candidates and that just reinforces that Obama has lost his rock star status among the swing voters.
Boehnor will quickly go to work and he has planned for this day , do not expect him to waste one minute .
Today Lamar Smith, the San Antonio Congressman who is in line to become chairman of the powerful House Judiciary Committee is promising ‘a number of investigations and oversight committee actions’ which he vows will ‘hold the administration accountable,’
Smith said that reform of the 14th Amendment, which grants automatic citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants who are born in the U.S., is also an issue his committee may take up under his chairmanship.
Expect Jeff Session to provide full co operation in the Senate .
Redistricting will favor Republican control of the House for a few election cycles .
Tuesday’s verdict will accompany a perfect storm .
1) The best way to have a wave election is to have the other party control the presidency during a bad economy or some kind of major scandal, we have the poor economy and investigations will provide Democratic scandals
2)Republicans had their wave election at a very convenient time, putting themselves in position to control numerous state legislatures and thus control the next round of redistricting, which will last a decade.
3) The cluster of blue areas has been even more compressed ,and redistricting plays against Democrats.
How many Democrats will switch parties and become Republicans ?
The President and some of the media may try to say that Republicans are ” obstructing “, but now most Republican bills in the House sail right through , and then the scenario in the Senate will be reversed , all of a sudden Democrats will be voting no.
I think Boehnor will emphasize this and use audio and video clips to show Obama’s hypocrisy.
The media slowly moves right , but it will be more obvious once the new Congress is sworn in.
When will we see reporting on the 34 warships Obama is taking to India?
The 200 million dollars per day he will spend while in India with his massive entourage ?
Sadly , it probably is not to be .
Obama, should have acknowledged he needs to re evaluate his agenda an policies , he was asked this question several times Wednesday and flatly said he didn’t think that was the case.
10 questions and 47 minutes to answer them.
Energy policy, green cars ,I will look at all good ideas.
Same tired, old, worn out, answers to almost tough questions presented to him, by a White House press corps that seemed to magically morph overnight .
He sounds like an old scratched vinyl record .
Will the cabinet resignations begin once Obama returns with 3,000 staffers on their expensive 10 day tour abroad ?
Obama had a great chance to pivot , announce that the country was amid another ” emergency / crisis ” and that it wasn’t wise to leave right now , and he needed to stay home to tend to business ( let alone save over 1 Billion dollars )
NO, Obama is sure he is the smartest human on the planet and the rest of us are to stupid to think for ourselves , and are only here to serve and amuse him .
The dynamic has changed in the House , the Senate will likely flip in 2012 .
All across America, most voters chose to elect representatives that would try and reign in spending and fix the horrendous Health Care reform mess
Obama is staying on course , he only has two paths , another term , or use this as stepping stone to the United Nations ,and a bigger revenue stream of socialist payouts from people like SOROS .
Watch for the small signs in the coming days, the message is being sent , Obama is the poison pill, either push back or swallow an extra handful.
Pelosi will likely resign rather than hand the gavel over in shame .
Oher lawmakers who know they will be investigated by Republicans now instead of Democrats will resign by January .
Maxine Waters should make quite a show of herself .
What about Eric Holder ?
I would think his handling of the NBP case will be in the cross hairs also.
The media has come along way since it dismissed the ” Tea Party “.
It still has a long way to go ………
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Obama in chorus with TOTUS will speak to his humble subjects today at 1PM EST .
These unscheduled events only occur maybe twice a year,so be sure to tune in.
Will he allow questions ? If so, will he call the reporter’s names off a sheet of paper in order to ensure the pre arranged questions are asked in proper sequence ?
Can we expect him to make statements like this?
*It is time to put partisanship aside and move forward .
* I have listened to Americans and will be replacing key advisers.
* Change didn’t come quick enough , and I should have done a better job of explaining it so mis information and fear were not created.
Sure he will .
Now if it is remotely believable is another matter !
Next Obama will rattle of a list of eye popping revelations!
*The $200 million per day cost of his trip to India that will use over 40 vehicles, 100 cars ,and the complete booking of the 570-room Taj Mahal Hotel, to accommodate his 3,000 person entourage .
The average annual income in India is $460,86% of the population lives under $2 per day; 44% lives under $1 per day.
(I guess it must be a plan to study and implement a new standard of living in America .)
* The election results were a vote on his failure as President.
* Uncertainty of Obamacare is preventing new hiring and job creation .
* He will sign any bill that is submitted to him to repeal Obamacare.
* All the Czar’s he appointed in the past will have to have to be voted on and confirmed in the Senate.
* All unused Tarp funds will be canceled and returned back to reduce the deficit.
* All loans and bailouts will be paid back in 90 days or assets of the corporations will be auctioned off.
* Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will receive no more money and pay their bailouts back in 6 months or be liquidated.
* He will support investigations and subpoenas of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the NBP case.
* The DOJ will cease and desist all efforts to impede SB 1070 in AZ.
* Janet Napolitano will reverse course and she will be made to complete a secure barrier along the southern border she previously abandoned, and make it priority 1.
* Terrorism from the Mexican gangs is a huge threat and 50, 000 ARMED troops will be deployed in the first of many deployments to defend the border.
* ICE will detain and deport any and all illegal immigrants.
* Every one in the country illegally will be charged and prosecuted with fraud of government services , if fake Id’s or SS # are involved they will be arrested as terrorists and held indefinitely in Guantanamo.
* He will VETO any bills that have earmarks or do not adhere to ” pay go “.
* He will sign any bill that defunds or repeals ” doc fix”.
* He will sign any bill that cancels any part of Obamacare that exceeds the cost estimate provided by the CBO.
* He is for returning ALL spending to levels of the last budget Bush signed ( FY2008).
* He will VETO the FY2011 budget Pelosi would not allow a vote on before the election and let the new congress submit the 2011 budget to rectify Pelosi’s abuse of power in handling of the FY2009 & FY2011 budgets.
* It is ok for American’s to watch FOX NEWS , and he was wrong about FNC.
* All records of his personal life will be revealed , but not limited to just School records , adoption and birth records , Harvard Law Review articles , passport records , selective service records , in short he will lead by example in his promise of ” transparency”.
* Vow to never again say he ” inherited this mess “, and take ownership for his lack of success in his administration.
* Admit that he completely blew the oil spill crisis and apologize for being critical of Bush’s handling of Katrina .
* The Bush tax cuts are vital for the economy and need to stay in place.
* No more vacations other than to established locations in the U.S. traditionally reserved for Presidential vacations
* Retract his rule about calling terrorists , a ” man made disaster” , and return to calling them TERRORISTS, and state he knows 70% of Americans are against the GZM and he will uphold their will.
WELL at least I got ONE correct out of 30
Obama loves to play golf and sooner or late he will ask Boehner to play a round of golf.
Boehner should say.
” I wish I could find time , but I am so busy repairing the mess I inherited from you and Pelosi that I don’t have time for golf “
Obama ‘s ego will not let him abandon his far left agenda.
The United Nations has strict guidelines.
Anti-American , Socialist , Corrupt ,Redistribution of wealth , and believing in a world currency.
Obama has come to far to throw in the towel now .
Obama refused to meet with or use any of the ideas of Republicans when he had an overwhelming majority in the House and Senate .
Compromise with him is fool hardy and should be avoided at any and all costs .
Can any candidate up for re election in 2012 take a chance of the appearance that they support this egomaniacal narcissist that occupies that now occupies the Oval Office ?
America spoke last night , and there will be lots of spin about why or how we came to these results.
It is an OVERWHELMINGLY vote against Obama , his policies, and radical agenda.
Plain and simple.
Stay tuned , as soon Hillary will tell you this when she resigns so she can enter the
” Hillary in 2012 ” mode.
Expect to see resignations from Obama’s advisers , and corrupt lawmakers who will now face House investigations .
The investigations are coming and they will be very revealing.
How bad will the Sestak ,Romanoff , Obamacare vote buying and NBP investigations be ?
The tip of the iceberg……
Many Democrats ran on a platform of being against Obama, Pelosi , Tarp, and Healthcare
Most lost , but some survived .
Going forward a vote for an Obama policy or agenda is the first vote that ruins a congressional career.
Obama faces a tough time the next 2 years ,his ego and ideology will not permit him to pivot and compromise with middle of the road Americans.
NO, Obama was hand picked to be a radical ,far left ,destructive President to ruin America ,so the jealous underachievers around the world could relish in the fact America has been weakened .
Obama has inflicted damage that will take DECADES to be repaired , IF the damage can be repaired .
I don’t think it can be repaired ,in all probability we are going to have to settle for no longer being the most powerful and affluent nation on the planet , living our life with diminished freedom and tinkering on the brink of insolvency , that may be the best we can hope for .
Obama and his radical pals can’t be allowed on more inch in this country .
Compromise is not an option , Boehnor needs to bring the bills to the floor , have them passed and sent to the Senate .
Obama must be forced to either sign the bills or VETO them , either way will make him a one term President and we can spend years and years deciding if he or Carter was the worst President to hold office since 1900.
Obama had his chance , he promised transparency, accountability and the end of corruption and business as usual in D.C , he didnt simply just lie, he never had any intention of implementing any of these ideas .
Maybe Boehnor can render Obama impotent in the next two years.
Maybe he and the 112 th congress will be no better than the 111 groups that preceded them .
It is obvious from the election results last night, most believe ANYTHING is better than the group Obama has pandered to and surrounded himself with.
The vigil begins all over again , we must hold EVERY member of the White House and Congress personally accountable for their actions!
Obama in chorus with TOTUS will speak to his humble subjects today at 1PM EST .
These unscheduled events only occur maybe twice a year,so be sure to tune in.
Will he allow questions ? If so, will he call the reporter’s names off a sheet of paper in order to ensure the pre arranged questions are asked in proper sequence ?
Can we expect him to make statements like this?
*It is time to put partisanship aside and move forward .
* I have listened to Americans and will be replacing key advisers.
* Change didn’t come quick enough , and I should have done a better job of explaining it so mis information and fear were not created.
Sure he will .
Now if it is remotely believable is another matter !
Next Obama will rattle of a list of eye popping revelations!
*The $200 million per day cost of his trip to India that will use over 40 vehicles, 100 cars ,and the complete booking of the 570-room Taj Mahal Hotel, to accommodate his 3,000 person entourage .
The average annual income in India is $460,86% of the population lives under $2 per day; 44% lives under $1 per day.
(I guess it must be a plan to study and implement a new standard of living in America .)
* The election results were a vote on his failure as President.
* Uncertainty of Obamacare is preventing new hiring and job creation .
* He will sign any bill that is submitted to him to repeal Obamacare.
* All the Czar’s he appointed in the past will have to have to be voted on and confirmed in the Senate.
* All unused Tarp funds will be canceled and returned back to reduce the deficit.
* All loans and bailouts will be paid back in 90 days or assets of the corporations will be auctioned off.
* Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will receive no more money and pay their bailouts back in 6 months or be liquidated.
* He will support investigations and subpoenas of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the NBP case.
* The DOJ will cease and desist all efforts to impede SB 1070 in AZ.
* Janet Napolitano will reverse course and she will be made to complete a secure barrier along the southern border she previously abandoned, and make it priority 1.
* Terrorism from the Mexican gangs is a huge threat and 50, 000 ARMED troops will be deployed in the first of many deployments to defend the border.
* ICE will detain and deport any and all illegal immigrants.
* Every one in the country illegally will be charged and prosecuted with fraud of government services , if fake Id’s or SS # are involved they will be arrested as terrorists and held indefinitely in Guantanamo.
* He will VETO any bills that have earmarks or do not adhere to ” pay go “.
* He will sign any bill that defunds or repeals ” doc fix”.
* He will sign any bill that cancels any part of Obamacare that exceeds the cost estimate provided by the CBO.
* He is for returning ALL spending to levels of the last budget Bush signed ( FY2008).
* He will VETO the FY2011 budget Pelosi would not allow a vote on before the election and let the new congress submit the 2011 budget to rectify Pelosi’s abuse of power in handling of the FY2009 & FY2011 budgets.
* It is ok for American’s to watch FOX NEWS , and he was wrong about FNC.
* All records of his personal life will be revealed , but not limited to just School records , adoption and birth records , Harvard Law Review articles , passport records , selective service records , in short he will lead by example in his promise of ” transparency”.
* Vow to never again say he ” inherited this mess “, and take ownership for his lack of success in his administration.
* Admit that he completely blew the oil spill crisis and apologize for being critical of Bush’s handling of Katrina .
* The Bush tax cuts are vital for the economy and need to stay in place.
* No more vacations other than to established locations in the U.S. traditionally reserved for Presidential vacations
* Retract his rule about calling terrorists , a ” man made disaster” , and return to calling them TERRORISTS, and state he knows 70% of Americans are against the GZM and he will uphold their will.
WELL at least I got ONE correct out of 30
Obama loves to play golf and sooner or late he will ask Boehner to play a round of golf.
Boehner should say.
” I wish I could find time , but I am so busy repairing the mess I inherited from you and Pelosi that I don’t have time for golf “
Obama ‘s ego will not let him abandon his far left agenda.
The United Nations has strict guidelines.
Anti-American , Socialist , Corrupt ,Redistribution of wealth , and believing in a world currency.
Obama has come to far to throw in the towel now .
Obama refused to meet with or use any of the ideas of Republicans when he had an overwhelming majority in the House and Senate .
Compromise with him is fool hardy and should be avoided at any and all costs .
Can any candidate up for re election in 2012 take a chance of the appearance that they support this egomaniacal narcissist that occupies that now occupies the Oval Office ?
America spoke last night , and there will be lots of spin about why or how we came to these results.
It is an OVERWHELMINGLY vote against Obama , his policies, and radical agenda.
Plain and simple.
Stay tuned , as soon Hillary will tell you this when she resigns so she can enter the
” Hillary in 2012 ” mode.
Expect to see resignations from Obama’s advisers , and corrupt lawmakers who will now face House investigations .
The investigations are coming and they will be very revealing.
How bad will the Sestak ,Romanoff , Obamacare vote buying and NBP investigations be ?
The tip of the iceberg……
Many Democrats ran on a platform of being against Obama, Pelosi , Tarp, and Healthcare
Most lost , but some survived .
Going forward a vote for an Obama policy or agenda is the first vote that ruins a congressional career.
Obama faces a tough time the next 2 years ,his ego and ideology will not permit him to pivot and compromise with middle of the road Americans.
NO, Obama was hand picked to be a radical ,far left ,destructive President to ruin America ,so the jealous underachievers around the world could relish in the fact America has been weakened .
Obama has inflicted damage that will take DECADES to be repaired , IF the damage can be repaired .
I don’t think it can be repaired ,in all probability we are going to have to settle for no longer being the most powerful and affluent nation on the planet , living our life with diminished freedom and tinkering on the brink of insolvency , that may be the best we can hope for .
Obama and his radical pals can’t be allowed on more inch in this country .
Compromise is not an option , Boehnor needs to bring the bills to the floor , have them passed and sent to the Senate .
Obama must be forced to either sign the bills or VETO them , either way will make him a one term President and we can spend years and years deciding if he or Carter was the worst President to hold office since 1900.
Obama had his chance , he promised transparency, accountability and the end of corruption and business as usual in D.C , he didnt simply just lie, he never had any intention of implementing any of these ideas .
Maybe Boehnor can render Obama impotent in the next two years.
Maybe he and the 112 th congress will be no better than the 111 groups that preceded them .
It is obvious from the election results last night, most believe ANYTHING is better than the group Obama has pandered to and surrounded himself with.
The vigil begins all over again , we must hold EVERY member of the White House and Congress personally accountable for their actions!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
As the election results roll in across the Nation tonight the talking heads of ABC,CBS , and NBC will scramble to spin the overwhelming vote against Obama and his corrupt administration .
In the past week the spin has switched from " Democrats are confident that they can retain control of the House " to
" Democrats are focusing on preserving their majority in the Senate" .
Chuck said last night this is an " unprecedented election " , because this will be the 3rd consecutive cycle that control has shifted .
Sadly , Chuck failed to report the first 2 times it was Republicans losing seats .Today Democrats will be thrown out of office in a convincing manner .
Voting for Obama will cost many Dem's their Gravy Train seat , will they never learn ?
Today the huge sweep of CONSERVATIVE candidates winning races will likely eclipse even the blow out in the 1994 midterm.
ABC reported this morning that Miller is losing in Alaska , I question that I really do .
So what will the Spin be ?
More of the same ,lame, blame it on Bush and of course Sarah Palin and the Tea Party .
LSM will ask us to believe that people are still cleaning out " the mess Bush made "
NO this is a big message to Obama , he isnt getting it done ( not that any sane person could have believed him in the first place )
The media has shifted as some want to retain a shred of credibility .
Good thing they did it in the LAST WEEK before the election
Maureen O'Dowd is one , EJ Dione is now wondering what happened , and David Brooks once a proud flag carrier for Obama has decided he may want to report now instead of spin .
Johnson lost Cronkite , now who in the media will stand by Obama ?
Chris Matthews has gone from " tingles up his leg" to " he's been ELITIST, he's come with his teleprompter ,he has given his speech , he hasnt listened" .WOW Chris Matthews ? REALLY? NO REALLY why the sudden 180?
To say this to ANDREA MITCHELL ?
It is really that bad folks , meanwhile Obama will take what amounts to a small army, 3 HELO'S and over 100 vehicles on his Indonesia trip as he quickly leaves the USA after the humiliating mid term defeat, and debates whether to don a scarf and enter the Mosque .
Hillary is not around ?
Bill is pandering , flip flopping , and trying to get candidates to drop out of races,that way he looks like a team player for Dems as Hillary 2012 rears its head up .
Will Obama admit the voters are voting against him and the Democrats ?
Not a chance, he will say it is because Americans need more information about his corrupt policies ( OH NO ! not more lectures from " the one ") .
The losses in IL will likely be blamed on BLAGO.
Palin and the Tea Party will be a constant theme .
" People expected change to come faster , and this is the over reaction " Sure , yeah thats what it is
Independents and conservatives are voting agianst LIBERAL candidates and the corruption that accompanies them
"Republicans failed to capture 50 Senate seats "
That line will be used over and over again .
That will be the rallying cry " to show Republicnas failed "
Campaigns for 2102 will begin mere days after the election .
Expect the " unexpected " term to be over used , along with "The real question is will Republicans agree to work with the President "
The Obam pivot ? It is not even being considered .
Obama ,Pelosi , and Reid have been aloof and RULED , not governed , and it will be a tough road ahead for the Democrats .
Gridlock will be good thing!
Wait till we see Obama waffle when Republicans say they have to subtract $$ from one area of the budget to pass a new bill.
OBSTRUCTION,he will proclaim
Suddenly politicians like Collins & Snowe will vote against everything Obama .
Democratic Senators in 2012 are very vulnerable .
Will Chuck take his chalkboard and add up the wins in Florida, IL, and Nevada and do the math on potential 2012 electoral votes ?
Expect "some races to close to call " to be a common theme .
Challenges and lawsuits will linger for days and weeks
How many votes in AZ will be challenged because illegals cast them ?
Eric Holder is on the job , likely the story will be " DOJ made sure it didnt happen " SURE !
Obama has punched enough holes in the ship ,that it WILL sink , not If but when .
I guess as we watch him campaign for UN President we can all be proud!
Chuck really wants Gibbs' propaganda puppet job , how will he explain the reversal of direction if Republicans end up with 240 0r 250 seats in the House ?
I am with HANK JR .!
In the past week the spin has switched from " Democrats are confident that they can retain control of the House " to
" Democrats are focusing on preserving their majority in the Senate" .
Chuck said last night this is an " unprecedented election " , because this will be the 3rd consecutive cycle that control has shifted .
Sadly , Chuck failed to report the first 2 times it was Republicans losing seats .Today Democrats will be thrown out of office in a convincing manner .
Voting for Obama will cost many Dem's their Gravy Train seat , will they never learn ?
Today the huge sweep of CONSERVATIVE candidates winning races will likely eclipse even the blow out in the 1994 midterm.
ABC reported this morning that Miller is losing in Alaska , I question that I really do .
So what will the Spin be ?
More of the same ,lame, blame it on Bush and of course Sarah Palin and the Tea Party .
LSM will ask us to believe that people are still cleaning out " the mess Bush made "
NO this is a big message to Obama , he isnt getting it done ( not that any sane person could have believed him in the first place )
The media has shifted as some want to retain a shred of credibility .
Good thing they did it in the LAST WEEK before the election
Maureen O'Dowd is one , EJ Dione is now wondering what happened , and David Brooks once a proud flag carrier for Obama has decided he may want to report now instead of spin .
Johnson lost Cronkite , now who in the media will stand by Obama ?
Chris Matthews has gone from " tingles up his leg" to " he's been ELITIST, he's come with his teleprompter ,he has given his speech , he hasnt listened" .WOW Chris Matthews ? REALLY? NO REALLY why the sudden 180?
To say this to ANDREA MITCHELL ?
It is really that bad folks , meanwhile Obama will take what amounts to a small army, 3 HELO'S and over 100 vehicles on his Indonesia trip as he quickly leaves the USA after the humiliating mid term defeat, and debates whether to don a scarf and enter the Mosque .
Hillary is not around ?
Bill is pandering , flip flopping , and trying to get candidates to drop out of races,that way he looks like a team player for Dems as Hillary 2012 rears its head up .
Will Obama admit the voters are voting against him and the Democrats ?
Not a chance, he will say it is because Americans need more information about his corrupt policies ( OH NO ! not more lectures from " the one ") .
The losses in IL will likely be blamed on BLAGO.
Palin and the Tea Party will be a constant theme .
" People expected change to come faster , and this is the over reaction " Sure , yeah thats what it is
Independents and conservatives are voting agianst LIBERAL candidates and the corruption that accompanies them
"Republicans failed to capture 50 Senate seats "
That line will be used over and over again .
That will be the rallying cry " to show Republicnas failed "
Campaigns for 2102 will begin mere days after the election .
Expect the " unexpected " term to be over used , along with "The real question is will Republicans agree to work with the President "
The Obam pivot ? It is not even being considered .
Obama ,Pelosi , and Reid have been aloof and RULED , not governed , and it will be a tough road ahead for the Democrats .
Gridlock will be good thing!
Wait till we see Obama waffle when Republicans say they have to subtract $$ from one area of the budget to pass a new bill.
OBSTRUCTION,he will proclaim
Suddenly politicians like Collins & Snowe will vote against everything Obama .
Democratic Senators in 2012 are very vulnerable .
Will Chuck take his chalkboard and add up the wins in Florida, IL, and Nevada and do the math on potential 2012 electoral votes ?
Expect "some races to close to call " to be a common theme .
Challenges and lawsuits will linger for days and weeks
How many votes in AZ will be challenged because illegals cast them ?
Eric Holder is on the job , likely the story will be " DOJ made sure it didnt happen " SURE !
Obama has punched enough holes in the ship ,that it WILL sink , not If but when .
I guess as we watch him campaign for UN President we can all be proud!
Chuck really wants Gibbs' propaganda puppet job , how will he explain the reversal of direction if Republicans end up with 240 0r 250 seats in the House ?
I am with HANK JR .!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Now that video has surfaced that casts a different light on the Rand Paul incident , we get a " MOONBEAM MOMENT " from Alaska.
First let's look back at events and view them in their totality .
Once upon a time every where Obama spoke some one fainted , then he became President.
Obama went back on the circuit to stump for Democratic candidates in the midterms .
People again fainted ( on cue ) and it was convienantly caught by the news media,
Bill Clinton went out stumping and they fainted for him also .
In all cases not only were Obama and Bill calm and cool under fire, they also had quick one liners to add.
Next the cell phone wasnt hung up by the Jerry Brown crew and we had the Meg Whitman moment .
Enter Josh Moon the man who received a bag of rocks , a shocking and fabulous story that died a quick death when people simply said " show us the proof "
Next comes the incident at the Rand Paul rally .
Bill Clinton re emrges and tries not once but twice to get the minority candidate in Florida to drop out of the race .
This is the SECOND time that Clinton has ADMITTED to doing something like this .
Has he performed this act ONLY twice and got caught both times , or.......
Today there seems to be credible evidence that a local CBS affiliate in Alaska conspired to create an event to discredit Joe Miller .
So what does this all mean ?
Liberal spin doctors will say this is going on , in both sides of the aisle .
Perhaps they are right .
Perhaps the Liberals are doing a tremendous more amount of it and just getting more often .
Then again , maybe the Liberals are just plain stupid and get caught more often .
I look forward to the defense of this audio track by the Liberals ( unless of course they are in hiding from the new Rand Paul video )
Naturally we shouldnt rush to conclusions , but then again the Audio is there and has been authenticated by McDermott, who sent a text to Randy DeSoto ( Miller's campaign manager )stating , “Damn iPhone… I left you a long message. I thought I hung up. Sorry.”
Have you received an email with "tips " on how you can help discredit a conservative candidate ?
Read the full article
Big Journalism
Hot Air
First let's look back at events and view them in their totality .
Once upon a time every where Obama spoke some one fainted , then he became President.
Obama went back on the circuit to stump for Democratic candidates in the midterms .
People again fainted ( on cue ) and it was convienantly caught by the news media,
Bill Clinton went out stumping and they fainted for him also .
In all cases not only were Obama and Bill calm and cool under fire, they also had quick one liners to add.
Next the cell phone wasnt hung up by the Jerry Brown crew and we had the Meg Whitman moment .
Enter Josh Moon the man who received a bag of rocks , a shocking and fabulous story that died a quick death when people simply said " show us the proof "
Next comes the incident at the Rand Paul rally .
Bill Clinton re emrges and tries not once but twice to get the minority candidate in Florida to drop out of the race .
This is the SECOND time that Clinton has ADMITTED to doing something like this .
Has he performed this act ONLY twice and got caught both times , or.......
Today there seems to be credible evidence that a local CBS affiliate in Alaska conspired to create an event to discredit Joe Miller .
So what does this all mean ?
Liberal spin doctors will say this is going on , in both sides of the aisle .
Perhaps they are right .
Perhaps the Liberals are doing a tremendous more amount of it and just getting more often .
Then again , maybe the Liberals are just plain stupid and get caught more often .
I look forward to the defense of this audio track by the Liberals ( unless of course they are in hiding from the new Rand Paul video )
Naturally we shouldnt rush to conclusions , but then again the Audio is there and has been authenticated by McDermott, who sent a text to Randy DeSoto ( Miller's campaign manager )stating , “Damn iPhone… I left you a long message. I thought I hung up. Sorry.”
Have you received an email with "tips " on how you can help discredit a conservative candidate ?
Read the full article
Big Journalism
Hot Air
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
ABC and NBC have shifted their talking heads to California and Washington State to begin their coverage of the 2010 midterm elections .
Democrats have a chance to win one or both Senate seats , and not appear to have elected an overtly corrupt candidate in the process .
Obama's friend Alexi Giannoulias (D-IL), will not make " good copy " if he is elected .
Boxer is in a tight race and a win by her will allow the puppets like Chuck Todd to spin it as " despite hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars poured into a Senate campaign Citizens voted and America has prevailed .
Incumbent Democratic candidate Patty Murray is ahead in Washington State.
Why is the media not stumping in Las Vegas ?
Ignoring accusations of that voting machines have pre checked Reid's name ?
The Washington Examiner along with Vegas Fox affiliate both have reports on the accusations.
Similar allegations have surfaced in North Carolina
Angle seems to have renewed life,as accusations of a Reid's former Hispanic press secretary,Diana Tejadaconfessed to taking money for "some of her expenses" in exchange for fraudulently marrying Lebanese national in 2003 (later deported) so he could obtain permanent U.S. residency.
A tad ironic that the Senate Leader pushing AMNESTY would have this person as his spokesperson ?
Add to the fact that her husband had been the subject of an Oklahoma City Joint Terror Task Force investigation. Following his arrest in 2009, he was interviewed by FBI agents .
REID will not even speak about the matter instead letting his spokesman Jim Manley make statements .
Republican take over of the House is a foregone conclusion.
Irish Bookmaker Paddy Power has already paid off all bettors who wagered the GOP would capture the chamber.
Paddy Power paid out more than $1 million on Obama's victory in an early pay-off in 2008, after the final presidential debate .
Where then, does that leave the Senate ?
Republicans will win ARK,IND,ND,and WI.
That makes 45 seats .
Can 51 seats be in reach ?
Rand Paul is pulling away in KY, and that makes 46
Toomey should win in Pa, that would make 47
Miller seems to be hanging on in AK , and that would be 48
Angle seems to be able to win in NV , and that would be 49.
Republican Congressman Mark Kirk has a 44% to 40% edge in the Oct. 20 Rasmussen Poll
over CORRUPT Obama crony Alexi Giannoulias.A win in ILL. would secure seat 50.
How bad would that be for Obama?
Republican challenger Ken Buck is in a dead heat with Bennet in Colorado ,and that would make 51.
A Boxer loss would make 52 .
Don't underestimate the naivity of California voters, or the will of the Media to slant the true picture there.
I am going to go out on a limb and predict a net gain of 62 seats in the House , and Republican's end up with 49 Senate seats .
Anything less than Republican's holding 50 seats after the election will result in a feeble attempt by the media to portray it as a " set back"
The massive stoppage of spending and stupid bills being passed into to law in Obama's last two years of his term will make the Gridlock of the Carter administration look like the Autobahn.
Democrats have a chance to win one or both Senate seats , and not appear to have elected an overtly corrupt candidate in the process .
Obama's friend Alexi Giannoulias (D-IL), will not make " good copy " if he is elected .
Boxer is in a tight race and a win by her will allow the puppets like Chuck Todd to spin it as " despite hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars poured into a Senate campaign Citizens voted and America has prevailed .
Incumbent Democratic candidate Patty Murray is ahead in Washington State.
Why is the media not stumping in Las Vegas ?
Ignoring accusations of that voting machines have pre checked Reid's name ?
The Washington Examiner along with Vegas Fox affiliate both have reports on the accusations.
Similar allegations have surfaced in North Carolina
Angle seems to have renewed life,as accusations of a Reid's former Hispanic press secretary,Diana Tejadaconfessed to taking money for "some of her expenses" in exchange for fraudulently marrying Lebanese national in 2003 (later deported) so he could obtain permanent U.S. residency.
A tad ironic that the Senate Leader pushing AMNESTY would have this person as his spokesperson ?
Add to the fact that her husband had been the subject of an Oklahoma City Joint Terror Task Force investigation. Following his arrest in 2009, he was interviewed by FBI agents .
REID will not even speak about the matter instead letting his spokesman Jim Manley make statements .
Republican take over of the House is a foregone conclusion.
Irish Bookmaker Paddy Power has already paid off all bettors who wagered the GOP would capture the chamber.
Paddy Power paid out more than $1 million on Obama's victory in an early pay-off in 2008, after the final presidential debate .
Where then, does that leave the Senate ?
Republicans will win ARK,IND,ND,and WI.
That makes 45 seats .
Can 51 seats be in reach ?
Rand Paul is pulling away in KY, and that makes 46
Toomey should win in Pa, that would make 47
Miller seems to be hanging on in AK , and that would be 48
Angle seems to be able to win in NV , and that would be 49.
Republican Congressman Mark Kirk has a 44% to 40% edge in the Oct. 20 Rasmussen Poll
over CORRUPT Obama crony Alexi Giannoulias.A win in ILL. would secure seat 50.
How bad would that be for Obama?
Republican challenger Ken Buck is in a dead heat with Bennet in Colorado ,and that would make 51.
A Boxer loss would make 52 .
Don't underestimate the naivity of California voters, or the will of the Media to slant the true picture there.
I am going to go out on a limb and predict a net gain of 62 seats in the House , and Republican's end up with 49 Senate seats .
Anything less than Republican's holding 50 seats after the election will result in a feeble attempt by the media to portray it as a " set back"
The massive stoppage of spending and stupid bills being passed into to law in Obama's last two years of his term will make the Gridlock of the Carter administration look like the Autobahn.
Monday, October 25, 2010
A mere 8 days before the mid term elections the liberal controlled media has decided they have to admit to America that Democrats will be flushed out of D.C.
Why the sudden shift ?
The media has pandered for Obama for over 2.5 years and their RATINGS stink .
Fox continues to outdraw all other cable networks combined.
Chuck Todd thought he would land a place in the White House , it wasn't to be .
George Stephanopoulos has a private strategy call each morning with the White House .
Journalisto exposed and disbanded .
The media has to give some appearance of fair reporting as once the Tsunami hits they will have less than zero respect .
More big media types get fired , and all of a sudden the Media will disect Republican leaders and only slap Obama on the hand .
George and Jake Tapper reported on " Good Morning America " that Obama has made 23 consecutive stops
to cities that Obama won by an average of 70% or more of the vote .
Las Vegas, NV
Los Angeles,CA
San Francisco,CA
Des Moines,IA
The U.S.House will move to a Republican Majority .
A net gain for 40 seats is needed and I think it will be more like 62 .
History shows us that most times the House experiences a " wave " vote and the majority changes , so goes the Senate .
Maybe not this time .
However , Republicans do not need to hold 50 seats ( and Joe the gaffe would be the tiebreaker ) and unless they hold 51 then 50 is not that big a deal
Here's why.
60 votes are what is needed in the Senate to make something happen
45 seats is the magic number
Brown, Collins, Snowe , and the given bribe recipient of the day make 4 .
Most Analysts agree that the GOP will win ND ( +30%),WI ( +9%),IND.(+18%),ARK. ( + 20%)
I think Toomey will win PA
Angle could win in NV.
West VA has a candidate running on a platform against Pelosi & Obama .
CO. has a chance to go R also
Alaska and CT could go either way and perhaps CA also
With a Simple Majority in the HOUSE and 45 or more votes in the Senate , Tax n Spend bills are extinct .
Hello investigations .
I predicted Obama would mirror or be a worse President than Jimmy Carter.
Will Obama try to pivot like Carter and Clinton ?
No Fascist worth his salt would , and Obama will not .
Hillary as President and a Republican controlled House is more likely than a 2 term Obama..
48 House seats are up for grabs in Districts won by McCain in 2008
A mere 8 days before the mid term elections the liberal controlled media has decided they have to admit to America that Democrats will be flushed out of D.C.
Why the sudden shift ?
The media has pandered for Obama for over 2.5 years and their RATINGS stink .
Fox continues to outdraw all other cable networks combined.
Chuck Todd thought he would land a place in the White House , it wasn't to be .
George Stephanopoulos has a private strategy call each morning with the White House .
Journalisto exposed and disbanded .
The media has to give some appearance of fair reporting as once the Tsunami hits they will have less than zero respect .
More big media types get fired , and all of a sudden the Media will disect Republican leaders and only slap Obama on the hand .
George and Jake Tapper reported on " Good Morning America " that Obama has made 23 consecutive stops
to cities that Obama won by an average of 70% or more of the vote .
Las Vegas, NV
Los Angeles,CA
San Francisco,CA
Des Moines,IA
The U.S.House will move to a Republican Majority .
A net gain for 40 seats is needed and I think it will be more like 62 .
History shows us that most times the House experiences a " wave " vote and the majority changes , so goes the Senate .
Maybe not this time .
However , Republicans do not need to hold 50 seats ( and Joe the gaffe would be the tiebreaker ) and unless they hold 51 then 50 is not that big a deal
Here's why.
60 votes are what is needed in the Senate to make something happen
45 seats is the magic number
Brown, Collins, Snowe , and the given bribe recipient of the day make 4 .
Most Analysts agree that the GOP will win ND ( +30%),WI ( +9%),IND.(+18%),ARK. ( + 20%)
I think Toomey will win PA
Angle could win in NV.
West VA has a candidate running on a platform against Pelosi & Obama .
CO. has a chance to go R also
Alaska and CT could go either way and perhaps CA also
With a Simple Majority in the HOUSE and 45 or more votes in the Senate , Tax n Spend bills are extinct .
Hello investigations .
I predicted Obama would mirror or be a worse President than Jimmy Carter.
Will Obama try to pivot like Carter and Clinton ?
No Fascist worth his salt would , and Obama will not .
Hillary as President and a Republican controlled House is more likely than a 2 term Obama..
48 House seats are up for grabs in Districts won by McCain in 2008
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Bobby WAS proud of his Pelosi vote ,later he went silent about it .
Next he made a crack about her being dead before it would be time to vote again.
A You Tube vid has emerged recently from 8-21-2010 where Bobby defends voting for Pelosi and says " She put me on 3 committees and gave me MILLIONS of dollars " , he also states " he had no choice " .
Next he is asked if he would vote for Pelosi again and he says " I certainly do not want to "
Now he claims his constituents do not want a LIBERAL controlling the House of Representatives .
Now mere weeks before the Election Bobby says he will NOT vote for Pelosi
Every one has heard Obama say " I inherited this mess from Bush "
Not even close to being true.
In 2006 Pelosi gained control of the House .
PELOSI has credit for the 2008 budget
Pelosi with held the 2009 budget from BUSH and let Obama sign it when he was sworn in .
Pelosi wrote the 2010 budget
Pelosi would not allow a vote for the 2011 budget and withheld it so it would not be available for the Mid Terms .
Next he made a crack about her being dead before it would be time to vote again.
A You Tube vid has emerged recently from 8-21-2010 where Bobby defends voting for Pelosi and says " She put me on 3 committees and gave me MILLIONS of dollars " , he also states " he had no choice " .
Next he is asked if he would vote for Pelosi again and he says " I certainly do not want to "
Now he claims his constituents do not want a LIBERAL controlling the House of Representatives .
Now mere weeks before the Election Bobby says he will NOT vote for Pelosi
Every one has heard Obama say " I inherited this mess from Bush "
Not even close to being true.
In 2006 Pelosi gained control of the House .
PELOSI has credit for the 2008 budget
Pelosi with held the 2009 budget from BUSH and let Obama sign it when he was sworn in .
Pelosi wrote the 2010 budget
Pelosi would not allow a vote for the 2011 budget and withheld it so it would not be available for the Mid Terms .

11:00 AM EST
Juan Williams has been fired by NPR .
Juan is a frequent guest on the Fox News Channel .
He is a regular on FOX News Sunday, and often debates Brit Hume and Bill Krystol .
The panel is rounded out by Juan's collegue Mara Liasson.
Is Mara next on the chopping block ?
Juan has even hosted the O'Reilly factor a few times when Bill was away .
Williams' presence on the largely conservative and often contentious prime-time talk shows of Fox News has long been a sore point with NPR News executives.
His status was earlier shifted from NPR staff correspondent to analyst after he took clear-cut positions about public policy on television and in newspaper opinion pieces.
So what did he do to get fired ?
He spoke the TRUTH , nothing more , nothing less .
His simple exchange with O'Reilly :
"Look, Bill, I'm not a bigot. You know the kind of books I've written about the civil rights movement in this country. But when I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous."
Mr. Williams also made reference to the Pakistani immigrant who pleaded guilty this month to trying to plant a car bomb in Times Square. “He said the war with Muslims, America’s war is just beginning, first drop of blood. I don’t think there’s any way to get away from these facts,” Mr. Williams said.
Juan is not a racist , he has been a very vocal opponent of AZ S.B. 1070
Who is really behind his firing ?
Think Progress , Huffington Post ,and of course CAIR .
How does Soros fit in ?
NPR has received a $1.8 million grant from the Open Society Foundations to begin a project called Impact of Government that is intended to add at least 100 journalists at NPR member radio stations in all 50 states over the next three years.
Of course if you are a NPR affiliate employee named Sarah Spitz at public radio station KCRW and make death wishes on Rush Limbaugh…not a firing offense.
Arianna Huffington , and Nazi sympathizer GEORGE SOROS
Will Obama complain about " foreign money " influencing American Politics and voters in this matter ?
Juan Williams meet Jimmy " the Greek " Snyder
11:00 AM EST
Juan Williams has been fired by NPR .
Juan is a frequent guest on the Fox News Channel .
He is a regular on FOX News Sunday, and often debates Brit Hume and Bill Krystol .
The panel is rounded out by Juan's collegue Mara Liasson.
Is Mara next on the chopping block ?
Juan has even hosted the O'Reilly factor a few times when Bill was away .
Williams' presence on the largely conservative and often contentious prime-time talk shows of Fox News has long been a sore point with NPR News executives.
His status was earlier shifted from NPR staff correspondent to analyst after he took clear-cut positions about public policy on television and in newspaper opinion pieces.
So what did he do to get fired ?
He spoke the TRUTH , nothing more , nothing less .
His simple exchange with O'Reilly :
"Look, Bill, I'm not a bigot. You know the kind of books I've written about the civil rights movement in this country. But when I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous."
Mr. Williams also made reference to the Pakistani immigrant who pleaded guilty this month to trying to plant a car bomb in Times Square. “He said the war with Muslims, America’s war is just beginning, first drop of blood. I don’t think there’s any way to get away from these facts,” Mr. Williams said.
Juan is not a racist , he has been a very vocal opponent of AZ S.B. 1070
Who is really behind his firing ?
Think Progress , Huffington Post ,and of course CAIR .
How does Soros fit in ?
NPR has received a $1.8 million grant from the Open Society Foundations to begin a project called Impact of Government that is intended to add at least 100 journalists at NPR member radio stations in all 50 states over the next three years.
Of course if you are a NPR affiliate employee named Sarah Spitz at public radio station KCRW and make death wishes on Rush Limbaugh…not a firing offense.
Arianna Huffington , and Nazi sympathizer GEORGE SOROS
Will Obama complain about " foreign money " influencing American Politics and voters in this matter ?
Juan Williams meet Jimmy " the Greek " Snyder
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Obama will award Staff SGT. Robert Miller the Medal of Honor (posthumously).
Milller's family will receive the award from President Obama .
On Aug. 14, 2003, ( 20th Birthday ) Miller enlisted in the Army as an 18 X-ray, Special Forces candidate, with the hope of becoming a Green Beret. He graduated from the Special Forces Qualification Course on Sept. 26, 2004.
His previous military decorations include: the Bronze Star Medal, the Purple Heart, the Meritorious Service Medal, two Army Commendation Medals for valor, the Army Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, the Afghanistan Campaign Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, The Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, the Noncommissioned Officer's Professional Development Ribbon, the Army Service Ribbon, the NATO Medal, the Combat Infantryman Badge, the Parachutist Badge, the Special Forces Tab and the Ranger Tab.
On Jan. 25, 2008 Miller volunteered to take lead on a nocturnal patrol in the Konar Province near the Pakistan border. Because of his Pashto language abilities, he led and directed the small local contingent of Afghan National Army Soldiers from the front. As they approached their target area his team was attacked by insurgents.
Miller was the youngest member of his group of 8 Green Berets .
The Green Beret squad along with 15 Afghans was searching for high-value enemy insurgents in through Kunar Province in Afghanistan near the Pakistan border.
The Taliban were hidden behind boulders and launched the ambush under the cover of darkness .
Miller was the Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW ) operator, his job was to lay down suppressing ( cover ) fire to aid his team find cover or advance on the enemy.
Miller took his SAW and RAN DIRECTLY TOWARD THE ENEMY ,laying down cover fire allowing his comrades to exit the ambush and find safe cover.
Wounded TWICE he managed to fight for 25 more minutes
After throwing his last grenade and out of ammo Miller died with his FN 249 rifle in his hands .
The FN 249 SAW is a belt fed weapon and accepts either 50 or 100 round belts and also 200 round belts housed in a box.
Miller is pictured with the box fed SAW . The 249 has a cyclic rate of 750 RPM .
I am unable to find accounts of how many rounds Staff SGT. Miller fired at the Taliban, but it is likely ( in my opinion ) he fired over 400 rounds .
EXCELLENT background on Staff SGT.Miller can be found at :
Please take a moment today to remember Miller and all the other brave men and women that have for hundreds of years paid the ultimate sacrifice ,so that we may live free in America
Friday, September 17, 2010
9-17-2010 11:00 AM EST
The big news story ( funny how these always come out on Friday ?) is that 2 DEPARTMENTS in Los Angeles SQUANDERED $111 MILLION of our tax dollars they received in the FAILED Stimulus plan championed by the CLOWN IN CHIEF in the White House .
How bad is it ? Worse than you can imagine ,as this report only covers 2 departments in Los Angeles.
Check this link to see what is going on in your neck of the woods ...
The REASONABLE conclusion to draw here is that when more AUDITS are done this will be the NORMAL pattern .
Check the link and type in your city and state .
Sadly you will find that MOST of this money went to pay rent , provide meals on wheels , and rebuild housing projects .
The rest of the money appears to be PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE for existing government facilities .
SO , in reality , it's WELFARE payments and boosting the bottom line of municipal budgets that have been drained by UN NEEDED social programs .
Perhaps the few construction workers that turned a shovel had work for a couple of weeks , very few if ANY of these monetary awards created a entity that produces goods or services and has a CONTINUING revenue stream .
Let's take a look at the NUMBERS :
The two departments highlighted in the report are :
the Department of Transportation (LADOT)
Department of Public Works (DPW)
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) is CODE for STIMULUS /TARP
DPW has received $70.65 million and created or retained 45.46 jobs, though they are expected to create 238 jobs overall (the fraction of a job created or retained correlates to the number of actual hours works). LADOT has been awarded $40.8 million and created or retained 9 jobs, though they are expected to create 26 jobs overall. Overall, the Departments have received $111 million in federal stimulus funds out of the $594 million the City has been awarded so far and created or retained 54.46 jobs.
What does this mean ? The 54.46 is a CLEAR indication that some of this is a SAVED JOB !!!
The really sad story ?
IF these two departments HAD met their goals we are still talking NONSENSE.
Even if you look at the number of jobs they expect to create (”or save”), it’s only 264. $111 million for 264 jobs is about $420,454 per job.
The public works agency has shielded 37 public employee jobs from elimination as a result of the city's ongoing budget crisis and created eight public or private jobs.
Although projects were designed to support 26 jobs, nine have been created or retained so far, Greuel's report said.
So their we have it !
45 SAVED Jobs and 9 jobs that were created !!!
So is the real cost $111 MILLION divided by 9 jobs ?
That would be $12,333,333 per JOB !!
"I would say maybe in a grade, a B- in creating the jobs," Greuel told Fox News. "
The clown masquerading as a President gives himself a B- and so does the idiot in LA ?
Does this mean SLIGHTLY more jobs will be created OR does this report reveal the " cream of the crop "?
Fascinating 40 page report ....
Read the articles at ( Main article is LA TIMES )
The big news story ( funny how these always come out on Friday ?) is that 2 DEPARTMENTS in Los Angeles SQUANDERED $111 MILLION of our tax dollars they received in the FAILED Stimulus plan championed by the CLOWN IN CHIEF in the White House .
How bad is it ? Worse than you can imagine ,as this report only covers 2 departments in Los Angeles.
Check this link to see what is going on in your neck of the woods ...
The REASONABLE conclusion to draw here is that when more AUDITS are done this will be the NORMAL pattern .
Check the link and type in your city and state .
Sadly you will find that MOST of this money went to pay rent , provide meals on wheels , and rebuild housing projects .
The rest of the money appears to be PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE for existing government facilities .
SO , in reality , it's WELFARE payments and boosting the bottom line of municipal budgets that have been drained by UN NEEDED social programs .
Perhaps the few construction workers that turned a shovel had work for a couple of weeks , very few if ANY of these monetary awards created a entity that produces goods or services and has a CONTINUING revenue stream .
Let's take a look at the NUMBERS :
The two departments highlighted in the report are :
the Department of Transportation (LADOT)
Department of Public Works (DPW)
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) is CODE for STIMULUS /TARP
DPW has received $70.65 million and created or retained 45.46 jobs, though they are expected to create 238 jobs overall (the fraction of a job created or retained correlates to the number of actual hours works). LADOT has been awarded $40.8 million and created or retained 9 jobs, though they are expected to create 26 jobs overall. Overall, the Departments have received $111 million in federal stimulus funds out of the $594 million the City has been awarded so far and created or retained 54.46 jobs.
What does this mean ? The 54.46 is a CLEAR indication that some of this is a SAVED JOB !!!
The really sad story ?
IF these two departments HAD met their goals we are still talking NONSENSE.
Even if you look at the number of jobs they expect to create (”or save”), it’s only 264. $111 million for 264 jobs is about $420,454 per job.
The public works agency has shielded 37 public employee jobs from elimination as a result of the city's ongoing budget crisis and created eight public or private jobs.
Although projects were designed to support 26 jobs, nine have been created or retained so far, Greuel's report said.
So their we have it !
45 SAVED Jobs and 9 jobs that were created !!!
So is the real cost $111 MILLION divided by 9 jobs ?
That would be $12,333,333 per JOB !!
"I would say maybe in a grade, a B- in creating the jobs," Greuel told Fox News. "
The clown masquerading as a President gives himself a B- and so does the idiot in LA ?
Does this mean SLIGHTLY more jobs will be created OR does this report reveal the " cream of the crop "?
Fascinating 40 page report ....
Read the articles at ( Main article is LA TIMES )
Thursday, September 16, 2010
11:30 AM EST
To silly to believe , or inevitable after Claire McCaskill and Sebelius have made comments about " RE EDUCATION " ?
Sebelius warned Insurance companies that if they raised premiums or made statements unfriendly to Obama care they would risk being denied participation in the Health Pools beginning in 2014 .
The State of Pennsylvania has been paying a private contractor to spy on non-threatening protesters exercising their First Amendment rights
Gov. Ed Rendell says he's embarrassed that the state of Pennsylvania has paid a non profit group $125,000.00 to compile a list of protesters in order to protect "public infrastructure."
HMMMM so does Gov. Rendell expect us to believe that this happened in his state and the Department of Homeland Security reviewed the data, made observations about the protesters and provided that to law enforcement and government officials as well as gas drilling companies, and the good governor KNEW NOTHING about it ?
HMMMM what could that imply ? That he is a BOZO and should resign ?
That his administration is rotten to the core ?
Perhaps the REAL answer is that this goes back to the White House ( Which it does because HHS is involved ) and because the news has leaked out he is SHOCKED ?
The SURVEILLANCE involved protesters against shale gas drilling, a rally regarding education and ANTI-TAX EFFORTS .
So what we have here is a STATE within our borders , surveilling private citizens involved in a peaceful , non violent gathering ,exercising their FIRST AMENDMENT rights .
The names ( Could we draw the reasonable conclusion that photos, audio and video also exist ?) are then compiled into a " MASTER LIST " .
This list is then sent to the DEPARTMENT of HOMELAND SECURITY , and HHS analyzes the information and makes observations and sends ALL the information back to LAW ENFORCEMENT and GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS , AND the very companies that are the target of the protests !
Does Janet Napolitano have so much spare time on her hands because she has secured the Mexican border and run all the Terrorists out of the country and changed and TESTED all the failed policies of TSA concerning terrorists aboard international flights ending in America she is spying on Americans for grins and giggles ?
**Is ED Rendell in weekly contact with RAHM and other White House Thugs ?
Is he on the " morning strategy call with GEORGE STEPHANOPOULUS and White House staff ?
**When will the data be made PUBLIC ?
**Who at HHS authorized this ?
**Did action by HHS require authorization from the White House ?
**Where is the list of Agencies , people , and companies that the information was disseminated to ?
**What will ERIC HOLDER and the DOJ do about this ?
**Why do we have laws that forbid the CIA from this kind of action on U.S. soil and yet HHS is free to do it ? ( is this more of a " FAILED BUSH POLICY " that OBAMA has embraced ?)
** Where is the A.C.L.U and why haven't they sent a wide eyed college to a fedral court building to file a lawsuit ?
** Why has NO ONE been fired or resigned ?
** Shouldn't Gov. Ed Rendell resign ?
** Is Gov. Ed Rendell so incompetent that this happened and he knew NOTHING About it?
**Did Gov. Ed Rendell know about it the whole time and kept quiet ?
Seems like a " I am shocked " is just not going to work for this act of FASCISM .
The best part of it all ?
The information came to light ONLY because the news about the warnings came out via an e-mail the state actually sent – by mistake – to and opponent of a gas drilling project.
"It's 1939 all over again , vote for a corrupt Democrat and Obama will lead us to FASCISM "
LA , LA , LA
To silly to believe , or inevitable after Claire McCaskill and Sebelius have made comments about " RE EDUCATION " ?
Sebelius warned Insurance companies that if they raised premiums or made statements unfriendly to Obama care they would risk being denied participation in the Health Pools beginning in 2014 .
The State of Pennsylvania has been paying a private contractor to spy on non-threatening protesters exercising their First Amendment rights
Gov. Ed Rendell says he's embarrassed that the state of Pennsylvania has paid a non profit group $125,000.00 to compile a list of protesters in order to protect "public infrastructure."
HMMMM so does Gov. Rendell expect us to believe that this happened in his state and the Department of Homeland Security reviewed the data, made observations about the protesters and provided that to law enforcement and government officials as well as gas drilling companies, and the good governor KNEW NOTHING about it ?
HMMMM what could that imply ? That he is a BOZO and should resign ?
That his administration is rotten to the core ?
Perhaps the REAL answer is that this goes back to the White House ( Which it does because HHS is involved ) and because the news has leaked out he is SHOCKED ?
The SURVEILLANCE involved protesters against shale gas drilling, a rally regarding education and ANTI-TAX EFFORTS .
So what we have here is a STATE within our borders , surveilling private citizens involved in a peaceful , non violent gathering ,exercising their FIRST AMENDMENT rights .
The names ( Could we draw the reasonable conclusion that photos, audio and video also exist ?) are then compiled into a " MASTER LIST " .
This list is then sent to the DEPARTMENT of HOMELAND SECURITY , and HHS analyzes the information and makes observations and sends ALL the information back to LAW ENFORCEMENT and GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS , AND the very companies that are the target of the protests !
Does Janet Napolitano have so much spare time on her hands because she has secured the Mexican border and run all the Terrorists out of the country and changed and TESTED all the failed policies of TSA concerning terrorists aboard international flights ending in America she is spying on Americans for grins and giggles ?
**Is ED Rendell in weekly contact with RAHM and other White House Thugs ?
Is he on the " morning strategy call with GEORGE STEPHANOPOULUS and White House staff ?
**When will the data be made PUBLIC ?
**Who at HHS authorized this ?
**Did action by HHS require authorization from the White House ?
**Where is the list of Agencies , people , and companies that the information was disseminated to ?
**What will ERIC HOLDER and the DOJ do about this ?
**Why do we have laws that forbid the CIA from this kind of action on U.S. soil and yet HHS is free to do it ? ( is this more of a " FAILED BUSH POLICY " that OBAMA has embraced ?)
** Where is the A.C.L.U and why haven't they sent a wide eyed college to a fedral court building to file a lawsuit ?
** Why has NO ONE been fired or resigned ?
** Shouldn't Gov. Ed Rendell resign ?
** Is Gov. Ed Rendell so incompetent that this happened and he knew NOTHING About it?
**Did Gov. Ed Rendell know about it the whole time and kept quiet ?
Seems like a " I am shocked " is just not going to work for this act of FASCISM .
The best part of it all ?
The information came to light ONLY because the news about the warnings came out via an e-mail the state actually sent – by mistake – to and opponent of a gas drilling project.
"It's 1939 all over again , vote for a corrupt Democrat and Obama will lead us to FASCISM "
LA , LA , LA
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

8-31-2010 2:30 PM EST
Monday night reports began to circulate that two men had been detained in Amsterdam , in what was being called a " dry run "
ABC posted the names and photos, and naturally the men were of Middle Eastern decent.
The alarming thing was that one of the men boarded a flight in Birmingham Alabama.
Ahmed Mohamed Nasser al Soofi attempted to board the flight in Birmingham ,and the TSA screeners noticed him .
Officials said al Soofi was found to be carrying $7000.00 in cash, and a check of his luggage found a cell phone taped to a Pepto-Bismol bottle, three cell phones taped together, several watches taped together, a box cutter and three large knives.
The Birmingham airport is my Airport of choice and it is much smaller than Atlanta and the security lines are much shorter .
al Soofi, originally from Yemen, has a wife and children overseas , had left the Detroit area several years ago and was most recently living in Tuscaloosa, Alabama working at a small grocery store.
Was he in Tuscaloosa because of the MERCEDES BENZ plant ?
Did he feel like as a good Muslim he needed to be near the GERMAN INFIDELS ?
Maybe one of the largest college football stadiums in the Nation with a #1 ranked football team with 13 National Championships looked like a prized that would get him a few extra virgins in the after life ?
So we have a Yemen national decide to move to " redneck central " in Alabama,working in a convenience store ,attempting to board a flight to the Middle East with $7,000 cash, 7 seven cell phones,a bottle of Pepto Bismol and a bunch of watches ?
Many have speculated that the PEPTO contains BISMUTH, and the men were testing to see if it blocked magnetic signatures
Why would al Soofi Fly from Birmingham to Chicago to D.C. to get to Dubai ?
Tuscaloosa is an hours drive from Birmingham . Did he own car and abandoned it in Birmingham ?
Arrived in a one way rental car?
A friend dropped him off at the Airport ?
Atlanta Hartsfield would have been an additional two hour drive and he could have caught a NON STOP flight to Dubai there for $400.00 less .
al Soofi could have flown to Dulles and the to Dubai and saved himself over $200.00 dollars .
Instead he takes a flight to Chicago to Dulles and on to Dubai ?
More stops more money ?
The other suspect started in Memphis.
Al soofi would have stood out like a sore thumb in Tuscaloosa and Birmingham .
Did other passengers ask to get off of the flight ?
A suspicious item that " resembled a pipe bomb" was found at the Atlanta airport the very same morning .
Coincidence that neither man connected through Atlanta ?
Atlanta is the natural connection for just about ANY city in the Southeast.
As bad as the TSA looks in the Birmingham incident , the Atlanta region can only be described as " Keystone Kops "
I take extra precautions during long holiday weekends and many times , people make comments like " you expecting a war " or " man do you think the end of the world is coming " .
I wonder if anyone is going to ask questions like that around the BBQ smoker Labor Day ?
Yes I carry a sufficient weapon(s) and plenty of ammo , flashlights ,rope,radios, batteries , water and food when I go out of town for a holiday .
If something bad happens then I may not survive to the end , but I will last longer than others , and perhaps make a difference .
When will we get all the FACTS about Monday's flight ?
Had Al soofi suddenly quit his job ?
How did he get to the airport ?
Why did Hezem al Murisi board a flight in Memphis and what was he doing there ?
How could a guy that looks like SADDAM'S brother be allowed to board a flight AFTER TSA finds 7 cell phones ( were they prepaid cell phones ?) box cutters , large Knives , and & $7,000.00 cash ?
Did ANYONE notice that Hezem al Murisi had shaved his mustache like 30 minutes ago and was headed to DUBAI ?
How did the men pay for the tickets ?
Were the tickets purchased WEEKS in advance or in the last 24 hours ?
How did the men get to the airports ?
If they drove what has the search of the vehicles yielded ?
Is the incident in Tampa where Middle Eastern men were removed form a flight related ?
WHY does the media refuse to post the photos and names ? Because they are of Middle Eastern decent .
You can bet if they were rednecks for Kentucky ( or anywhere else ) burning a black church down their faces would be plastered all over the NEWS
THE ONE question I want answered:
Wha tare MY rights if I board an airplane and see a suspicious person on board and want to get off the plane ?
Will they let you get off ?
Can you only leave by being arrested ?
Here is the sad thing these two get a red carpet to fly , most likely because the Government is AFRAID of C.A.I.R or some other THINLY disguised front for terrorist and bend over backwards to accommodate these terrorists on flights in America.
What does this lady think about it her TSA SEARCH
RELAX the AP say its all a " misunderstanding "
8-31-2010 11:20 AM EST
The controversy around the " Community Center " that is being built near the site of the destroyed World Trade Center towers is everywhere.
A few people you would expect to be vocal are noticeably absent.....
Sharif El-Gamal is the CEO of SOHO PROPERTIES , the developer behind the GZM.
Shairif's brother ( SAMIR )is not only his partner in real estate ventures , but also his partner in CRIME .
Sharif El-Gamal went to school in Liberia, which is a KNOWN hotbed for Terrorist activity and the FBI has tracked many terrorists being provided safe haven to that country .
Sharif El-Gamal has been arrested at LEAST 7 times including:
* assault (Sharif El-Gamal first said he didn’t hit the man, but arrest documents show he later conceded “his face could have run into my hand.”)
*DWI ..Is it a TAD hypocritical for a MUSLIM convicted of Driving under the influence to be building a MOSQUE?
* petit larceny ..So we have a VIOLENT DRUNKEN Muslim THIEF that wants to build a Mosque ?
* At least 4 arrests for disorderly conduct ...was alcohol involved here also ?
Sharif El-Gamal is also a TAX CHEAT and owes over $227,000 in unpaid real estate taxes.
The Local New York Media has been all over the investigation
and also Here
The Canadian MEDIA
even seems to be able to report the story and dig down below the surface .
Why not our "TRUSTED " network and cable news sources ?
Maybe they were to lazy to go to the SOHO PROPERTIES WEBSITE ?
Take a good look at the PDF and ask yourself if this is a LICENSE to go around NEW YORK CITY and gather INTEL about buildings and properties , that could later on be used for nefarious purposes ?
Bill Warner is all over this matter and you can view his WEBSITE and Here
view the NY STATE Documents Here
How does a violent drunk and disorderly man go from waiting tables , unable to pay his court fines to buying a 45 million dollar property near Ground zero in a few short years ?
AHHHHHHHHHH the old FOREIGN MONEY secret partner tactic
Meet Hisham Elzanaty!
Hisham Elzanaty was indicted under the RICO act for medical insurance fraud
Docket is HERE
Hisham Elzanaty also received a letter from the State of NY Office of the Medicaid Inspector General on Nov. 9th, 2009, informing him that an audit revealed that his agency billed for unsubstantiated services in the amount of $331,336.
View the letter HERE
Two more interesting sites HERE and HERE
This article outlines the " SHELL CORPORATIONS " Hisham Elzanaty used in his racketeering scheme .
This bloggerhas done some research and has some good links .
Make a POINT to visit the Muslim's 16 Point Plan on Trying to Silence us by Using the Term "Islamophobia"
Kind of reminds you of ACORN and SAUL ALINSKY the Muslim version .
Don't forget to visit the SOURCE of the 16 pointsIslamic Organizations of Greater Chicago
WOW a set of MUSLIM "community organizing " rules that REEK of SAUL ALINSKY, ACORN , and right there in sweet home Chicago!
Now the GOOD PART !!
Hisham Elzanaty's POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS .........
OBAMA $1,000.00 I guess everyone saw that coming ?
KIRSTEN ELIZABETH GILLIBRAND $500.00 and he DID NOT contribute to her until AFTER she was elected and and JUST 60 days ago ?
NO chance this is why she is SILENT ?
Lyndon Larouche 3 donations for a total of $1,250.00
I saved the BEST for Last !!
Why would Hisham Elzanaty be interested in a Congresswoman from GEORGIA 'S 4th congressional district ?
Cynthia is well known for her RACIST rants and assaulting a Capitol Hill police officer , who failed to recognize her as the " CELEBRITY " she is in her own twisted ego ,and asked her for her credentials as she attempted to bypass a metal detector to gain admittance to a Congressional Building in D.C.
She has appeared with Louis Farrakhan, and advocated for Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugabe.
Reasonable conclusion ? Hisham Elzanaty was lining the pockets of a polarizing , radical member of congress that could in the future help him play the race card for proposed Mosques cites in or around ATLANTA GEORGIA .
A friend like Cynthia could also be relied on to help with any problems any of Hisham Elzanaty's friend might encounter at the Harstfield airport and scream RACIAL PROFILING with Hisham Elzanaty
verify the donations
HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE andHERE
CLEARLY the media is playing up the story to fan the flames of RACISM , and ignoring FACTS .
If a quick google search yields TONS of information on these individuals ,what could a well funded and GLOBAL news organization turn up ?
I think outside of New York , ALL the media outlets are failing to follow the trail on this story .
America is being ruined by POLITICAL CORRECTNESS .
Why has Obama and GILLIBRAND not revealed they took donations from Hisham Elzanaty?
Why is the media not asking this question ?
When will the donations " be given back or donated to charity "?
Why is no one asking why Sharif El-Gamal is not being charged for PERJURY in his 2007 assault conviction ?
Mayor Bloomberg is it your belief that racketeering , tax evading , thugs who assault people over rent payments , perjure themselves in court proceedings , and defraud federal agencies be given CARTE BLANCHE in your city ?
The controversy around the " Community Center " that is being built near the site of the destroyed World Trade Center towers is everywhere.
A few people you would expect to be vocal are noticeably absent.....
Sharif El-Gamal is the CEO of SOHO PROPERTIES , the developer behind the GZM.
Shairif's brother ( SAMIR )is not only his partner in real estate ventures , but also his partner in CRIME .
Sharif El-Gamal went to school in Liberia, which is a KNOWN hotbed for Terrorist activity and the FBI has tracked many terrorists being provided safe haven to that country .
Sharif El-Gamal has been arrested at LEAST 7 times including:
* assault (Sharif El-Gamal first said he didn’t hit the man, but arrest documents show he later conceded “his face could have run into my hand.”)
*DWI ..Is it a TAD hypocritical for a MUSLIM convicted of Driving under the influence to be building a MOSQUE?
* petit larceny ..So we have a VIOLENT DRUNKEN Muslim THIEF that wants to build a Mosque ?
* At least 4 arrests for disorderly conduct ...was alcohol involved here also ?
Sharif El-Gamal is also a TAX CHEAT and owes over $227,000 in unpaid real estate taxes.
The Local New York Media has been all over the investigation
and also Here
The Canadian MEDIA
even seems to be able to report the story and dig down below the surface .
Why not our "TRUSTED " network and cable news sources ?
Maybe they were to lazy to go to the SOHO PROPERTIES WEBSITE ?
Take a good look at the PDF and ask yourself if this is a LICENSE to go around NEW YORK CITY and gather INTEL about buildings and properties , that could later on be used for nefarious purposes ?
Bill Warner is all over this matter and you can view his WEBSITE and Here
view the NY STATE Documents Here
How does a violent drunk and disorderly man go from waiting tables , unable to pay his court fines to buying a 45 million dollar property near Ground zero in a few short years ?
AHHHHHHHHHH the old FOREIGN MONEY secret partner tactic
Meet Hisham Elzanaty!
Hisham Elzanaty was indicted under the RICO act for medical insurance fraud
Docket is HERE
Hisham Elzanaty also received a letter from the State of NY Office of the Medicaid Inspector General on Nov. 9th, 2009, informing him that an audit revealed that his agency billed for unsubstantiated services in the amount of $331,336.
View the letter HERE
Two more interesting sites HERE and HERE
This article outlines the " SHELL CORPORATIONS " Hisham Elzanaty used in his racketeering scheme .
This bloggerhas done some research and has some good links .
Make a POINT to visit the Muslim's 16 Point Plan on Trying to Silence us by Using the Term "Islamophobia"
Kind of reminds you of ACORN and SAUL ALINSKY the Muslim version .
Don't forget to visit the SOURCE of the 16 pointsIslamic Organizations of Greater Chicago
WOW a set of MUSLIM "community organizing " rules that REEK of SAUL ALINSKY, ACORN , and right there in sweet home Chicago!
Now the GOOD PART !!
Hisham Elzanaty's POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS .........
OBAMA $1,000.00 I guess everyone saw that coming ?
KIRSTEN ELIZABETH GILLIBRAND $500.00 and he DID NOT contribute to her until AFTER she was elected and and JUST 60 days ago ?
NO chance this is why she is SILENT ?
Lyndon Larouche 3 donations for a total of $1,250.00
I saved the BEST for Last !!
Why would Hisham Elzanaty be interested in a Congresswoman from GEORGIA 'S 4th congressional district ?
Cynthia is well known for her RACIST rants and assaulting a Capitol Hill police officer , who failed to recognize her as the " CELEBRITY " she is in her own twisted ego ,and asked her for her credentials as she attempted to bypass a metal detector to gain admittance to a Congressional Building in D.C.
She has appeared with Louis Farrakhan, and advocated for Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugabe.
Reasonable conclusion ? Hisham Elzanaty was lining the pockets of a polarizing , radical member of congress that could in the future help him play the race card for proposed Mosques cites in or around ATLANTA GEORGIA .
A friend like Cynthia could also be relied on to help with any problems any of Hisham Elzanaty's friend might encounter at the Harstfield airport and scream RACIAL PROFILING with Hisham Elzanaty
verify the donations
HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE andHERE
CLEARLY the media is playing up the story to fan the flames of RACISM , and ignoring FACTS .
If a quick google search yields TONS of information on these individuals ,what could a well funded and GLOBAL news organization turn up ?
I think outside of New York , ALL the media outlets are failing to follow the trail on this story .
America is being ruined by POLITICAL CORRECTNESS .
Why has Obama and GILLIBRAND not revealed they took donations from Hisham Elzanaty?
Why is the media not asking this question ?
When will the donations " be given back or donated to charity "?
Why is no one asking why Sharif El-Gamal is not being charged for PERJURY in his 2007 assault conviction ?
Mayor Bloomberg is it your belief that racketeering , tax evading , thugs who assault people over rent payments , perjure themselves in court proceedings , and defraud federal agencies be given CARTE BLANCHE in your city ?
Monday, August 30, 2010
8-30-2010 1:20 PM EST
Obama has asked for and received network television time for a speech on Tuesday night 8-31-2010.
Obama is a nice guy, after all he was gracious enough to stand before reporters in late July 2009, and then again on May 27 , 2010 to actually ANSWER QUESTIONS .
Any chance this will be a Press conference ?
404 days and two opportunities for the American people to see and hear one of , if not THE WORST president in History , be held accountable about his ridiculous leadership of our country , is at least one time too many !!
Should Obama be willing to field questions from reporters at a time when our country has an economy in a firm downward spiral , Uncertainty of a horrendous health bill passed AGAINST the will of the people , International banks offering discounts to settle financial transactions in Chinese currency rather than American dollars ,a Gulf oil spill that 75% of the oil remains in the water and the Administration declares that " 75% of the leaked oil is GONE" and covering up the facts that prove otherwise , an administration mired in allegations of failing to prosecute RACISTS guilty of voter intimidation , White House officials offering jobs for candidates to drop out of races , not to mention the GZM issue , or Obama's own personal religious faith ?
No need for a press conference ,as the FACTS are the FACTS , and just because the FACTS can't be seen , much less verified , then take Obama's word for it and BLAME it all on GEORGE BUSH !!
Obama will appear before the American people Tuesday night to feed his enormous EGO .
Will Obama thank the soldiers and people of Iraq who died during the war ?
Will Obama thank General David Petraeus?
Probably not, as he failed to do this Saturday on his weekly address .
Obama will use this opportunity to take a SHAMELESS PLUG and remind everyone he kept a campaign promise.
Will he remind us that the withdrawal already had a timeline in place before he took office ?
George Bush asked Congress for additional troops for a " SURGE" to turn the war in our favor and create a road map for the draw down of troops in Iraq .
You remember the surge don't you ? Proposed by General David Petraeus.
The SAME surge Opposed by Senator OBAMA and BIDEN .
The same General David Petraeus that MOVE ON.ORG received a 66% discount to run a full page advertisement aimed at General David Petraeus paid $65,000 for the full page ad headlined "General Petraeus or General Betray Us."
The same FULL PAGE ad that Republicans and the MAJORITY of Americans drew offense from, and criticized and the Liberals who supported the ad .
The same FULL PAGE ad that OBAMA and BIDEN didn't object to !!
The New York Post ran a story on asking why the basic rate of $181,692 for such an ad was discounted.
You remember don't you ?
The same mixed mixed up with ACORN and fined for violating campaign rules.
The same that was instrumental in electing OBAMA .
The same that took over 1.4 million from Nazi sympathizer GEORGE SOROS in a FAILED bid to defeat George Bush ?
You remember GEORGE SOROS dont you ?
The same GEORGE SOROS , that as a Jew himself , identified , and reported other Jews and watched as they were marched to and herded onto trains like cattle to be transported to DEATH CAMPS , and after they were on the train , helped steal their belongings and deliver them to his NAZI masters so they could finance further exterminations , and wage war on innocent people .
Will Obama remind us of his stance on the SURGE ?
On Jan. 10, 2007, the day President Bush called for an additional 21,500 troops to try to stabilize Iraq, Obama spoke out against the plan and predicted it would fail to stop the violence.
Obama told told MSNBC's Keith Olbermann:
"I am not persuaded that 20,000 additional troops in Iraq is going to solve the sectarian violence there," .
"In fact, I think it will do the reverse. I think it takes pressure off the Iraqis to arrive at the sort of political accommodation that every observer believes is the ultimate solution to the problems we face there. So I am going to actively oppose the president's proposal."
Obama followed through on that promise on Feb. 17, 2007, when he voted to support a bill expressing that "Congress disapproves of the decision of President George W. Bush announced on January 10, 2007, to deploy more than 20,000 additional United States combat troops to Iraq." The motion failed in a vote of 56 yeas to 34 nays, with three-fifths required to move it forward.
Obama continued to predict the surge would not prompt the sort of political reconciliation necessary to end violence in Iraq.
On July 18, 2007, Obama told Matt Lauer on NBC's Today Show, "My assessment is that the surge has not worked and we will not see a different report eight weeks from now."
He continued: "And it is my assessment and the American people's assessment that this strategy has not worked, that al-Qaida has gotten stronger in Afghanistan and Pakistan, that we are fighting on the wrong battlefield and the Iraqi government has not done the work it needs to do to resolve the civil war in Iraq."
So yes, Obama opposed the surge and predicted it would fail.
Obama continued to cast his votes in the Senate OPPOSITE of what George Bush needed to win the IRAQ war .
Oct. 2, 2002, Obama read a speech opposing the war.
Obama voted NAY later that same month to authorize military action.
Obama has quietly embraced the continuation of the Patriot Act, warrantless wiretapping, and military tribunals.
GITMO is till open and NO ONE has any plan to close it down .
Bush relied on General David Petraeus ,and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to run the war in IRAQ .
Bush was widely criticized for using DRONES and accused of being a " WAR CRIMINAL" for using the drones .
Obama relies on General David Petraeus ,and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to run the war in IRAQ and now Afghanistan .
Obama has DRAMATICALLY increased the use of drones , yet we see no criticisms , much less allegations of being a WAR CRIMINAL .
Obama has shifted oversight of the drone program from the military to the C.I.A.
This action makes the program all but invisible and immune to the Freedom of Information Act .
Just what we would expect from " The most Transparent Administration EVAH"?
General David Petraeus asked Bush for 21,000 troops for a " SURGE STRATEGY "in IRAQ
Bush was eager to comply .
General David Petraeus asked OBAMA for 30,000 troops for a " SURGE STRATEGY " in Afghanistan
Obama dawdled and played golf for MONTHS as brave men and women died waiting for reinforcements .
Obama reluctantly authorized 20,000 troops for the Afghan Surge .
So now we have OBAMA directing a team that consists of General David Petraeus and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to run the war in IRAQ and Afghanistan .
A war effort that uses DRONES ,and employs a " SURGE STRATEGY " of 20,000 troops.
An administration that houses terrorists in Club GITMO , and refuses them civilian and military trials .
An administration that embraces the continuation of the Patriot Act, warrantless wiretapping, and military tribunals.
Ladies and Gentlemen I give you BARRACK OBAMA !!
The same Barrack Obama that was against EVERYTHING Bush did to fight the war in IRAQ.
The same Barrack Obama that REPEATEDLY said the SURGE was doomed to fail .
The same Barrack Obama that condemned the continuation of the Patriot Act, warrantless wiretapping, and military tribunals.
The same Barrack Obama that condemned the EGREGIOUS erosion of human rights and violations of the U.S Constitution purportrated by George Bush .
The same Barrack Obama that did not show his support for General David Petraeus.
The same Barrack Obama that whined about prisoners in Guantanamo Bay, and how they were being denied their rights of HABEAS CORPUS ,and their right to trial under the
Ladies and Gentlemen I give you BARRACK OBAMA :
The only man to receive credit for the " Victory in Iraq " .
Yet , he did it all with the same people , policies, tools , and methods of George Bush .
Was he WRONG then?
Is he WRONG now ?
Or does he just LIE and PANDER and spin things to feed his HUGE EGO , and advance his candidacy for PRESIDENT of The United Nations ?
Is Obama TOTALLY disingenuous?
Does he take EVERYONE in AMERICA as a FOOL or STUPID ?
BARRACK OBAMA The only President to be " Held hostage " by an evil Republican minority that blocks his agenda .
The same evil Republicans that hold a MINORITY in the HOUSE and SENATE and are MATHEMATICALLY incapable of BLOCKING any legislation submitted by the TYRANTS currently in Control of the White House , Senate ,and House of Representatives .
The same BARRACK OBAMA that KNEW the war strategy wouldn't work and was VOCAL about his opposition ,and will now take CREDIT for everything that has gone well.
The same BARRACK OBAMA that said if he had the chance to vote again , he would have voted AGAINST the IRAQ SURGE ,AFTER it worked , yet Tuesday night will take credit for it working !!!
The same BARRACK OBAMA that never admitted the SURGE worked .
The same BARRACK OBAMA that will NEVER admit he was wrong about the surge .
Can some one explain to me how the " Failed Bush War Policies " are different from the same Policies Obama is using ?
Is the car in " " or is it in "D"?
If it is in "D" , do we just have BOZO the Clown driving in Circles ,in what can only be described as a
Obama has asked for and received network television time for a speech on Tuesday night 8-31-2010.
Obama is a nice guy, after all he was gracious enough to stand before reporters in late July 2009, and then again on May 27 , 2010 to actually ANSWER QUESTIONS .
Any chance this will be a Press conference ?
404 days and two opportunities for the American people to see and hear one of , if not THE WORST president in History , be held accountable about his ridiculous leadership of our country , is at least one time too many !!
Should Obama be willing to field questions from reporters at a time when our country has an economy in a firm downward spiral , Uncertainty of a horrendous health bill passed AGAINST the will of the people , International banks offering discounts to settle financial transactions in Chinese currency rather than American dollars ,a Gulf oil spill that 75% of the oil remains in the water and the Administration declares that " 75% of the leaked oil is GONE" and covering up the facts that prove otherwise , an administration mired in allegations of failing to prosecute RACISTS guilty of voter intimidation , White House officials offering jobs for candidates to drop out of races , not to mention the GZM issue , or Obama's own personal religious faith ?
No need for a press conference ,as the FACTS are the FACTS , and just because the FACTS can't be seen , much less verified , then take Obama's word for it and BLAME it all on GEORGE BUSH !!
Obama will appear before the American people Tuesday night to feed his enormous EGO .
Will Obama thank the soldiers and people of Iraq who died during the war ?
Will Obama thank General David Petraeus?
Probably not, as he failed to do this Saturday on his weekly address .
Obama will use this opportunity to take a SHAMELESS PLUG and remind everyone he kept a campaign promise.
Will he remind us that the withdrawal already had a timeline in place before he took office ?
George Bush asked Congress for additional troops for a " SURGE" to turn the war in our favor and create a road map for the draw down of troops in Iraq .
You remember the surge don't you ? Proposed by General David Petraeus.
The SAME surge Opposed by Senator OBAMA and BIDEN .
The same General David Petraeus that MOVE ON.ORG received a 66% discount to run a full page advertisement aimed at General David Petraeus paid $65,000 for the full page ad headlined "General Petraeus or General Betray Us."
The same FULL PAGE ad that Republicans and the MAJORITY of Americans drew offense from, and criticized and the Liberals who supported the ad .
The same FULL PAGE ad that OBAMA and BIDEN didn't object to !!
The New York Post ran a story on asking why the basic rate of $181,692 for such an ad was discounted.
You remember don't you ?
The same mixed mixed up with ACORN and fined for violating campaign rules.
The same that was instrumental in electing OBAMA .
The same that took over 1.4 million from Nazi sympathizer GEORGE SOROS in a FAILED bid to defeat George Bush ?
You remember GEORGE SOROS dont you ?
The same GEORGE SOROS , that as a Jew himself , identified , and reported other Jews and watched as they were marched to and herded onto trains like cattle to be transported to DEATH CAMPS , and after they were on the train , helped steal their belongings and deliver them to his NAZI masters so they could finance further exterminations , and wage war on innocent people .
Will Obama remind us of his stance on the SURGE ?
On Jan. 10, 2007, the day President Bush called for an additional 21,500 troops to try to stabilize Iraq, Obama spoke out against the plan and predicted it would fail to stop the violence.
Obama told told MSNBC's Keith Olbermann:
"I am not persuaded that 20,000 additional troops in Iraq is going to solve the sectarian violence there," .
"In fact, I think it will do the reverse. I think it takes pressure off the Iraqis to arrive at the sort of political accommodation that every observer believes is the ultimate solution to the problems we face there. So I am going to actively oppose the president's proposal."
Obama followed through on that promise on Feb. 17, 2007, when he voted to support a bill expressing that "Congress disapproves of the decision of President George W. Bush announced on January 10, 2007, to deploy more than 20,000 additional United States combat troops to Iraq." The motion failed in a vote of 56 yeas to 34 nays, with three-fifths required to move it forward.
Obama continued to predict the surge would not prompt the sort of political reconciliation necessary to end violence in Iraq.
On July 18, 2007, Obama told Matt Lauer on NBC's Today Show, "My assessment is that the surge has not worked and we will not see a different report eight weeks from now."
He continued: "And it is my assessment and the American people's assessment that this strategy has not worked, that al-Qaida has gotten stronger in Afghanistan and Pakistan, that we are fighting on the wrong battlefield and the Iraqi government has not done the work it needs to do to resolve the civil war in Iraq."
So yes, Obama opposed the surge and predicted it would fail.
Obama continued to cast his votes in the Senate OPPOSITE of what George Bush needed to win the IRAQ war .
Oct. 2, 2002, Obama read a speech opposing the war.
Obama voted NAY later that same month to authorize military action.
Obama has quietly embraced the continuation of the Patriot Act, warrantless wiretapping, and military tribunals.
GITMO is till open and NO ONE has any plan to close it down .
Bush relied on General David Petraeus ,and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to run the war in IRAQ .
Bush was widely criticized for using DRONES and accused of being a " WAR CRIMINAL" for using the drones .
Obama relies on General David Petraeus ,and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to run the war in IRAQ and now Afghanistan .
Obama has DRAMATICALLY increased the use of drones , yet we see no criticisms , much less allegations of being a WAR CRIMINAL .
Obama has shifted oversight of the drone program from the military to the C.I.A.
This action makes the program all but invisible and immune to the Freedom of Information Act .
Just what we would expect from " The most Transparent Administration EVAH"?
General David Petraeus asked Bush for 21,000 troops for a " SURGE STRATEGY "in IRAQ
Bush was eager to comply .
General David Petraeus asked OBAMA for 30,000 troops for a " SURGE STRATEGY " in Afghanistan
Obama dawdled and played golf for MONTHS as brave men and women died waiting for reinforcements .
Obama reluctantly authorized 20,000 troops for the Afghan Surge .
So now we have OBAMA directing a team that consists of General David Petraeus and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to run the war in IRAQ and Afghanistan .
A war effort that uses DRONES ,and employs a " SURGE STRATEGY " of 20,000 troops.
An administration that houses terrorists in Club GITMO , and refuses them civilian and military trials .
An administration that embraces the continuation of the Patriot Act, warrantless wiretapping, and military tribunals.
Ladies and Gentlemen I give you BARRACK OBAMA !!
The same Barrack Obama that was against EVERYTHING Bush did to fight the war in IRAQ.
The same Barrack Obama that REPEATEDLY said the SURGE was doomed to fail .
The same Barrack Obama that condemned the continuation of the Patriot Act, warrantless wiretapping, and military tribunals.
The same Barrack Obama that condemned the EGREGIOUS erosion of human rights and violations of the U.S Constitution purportrated by George Bush .
The same Barrack Obama that did not show his support for General David Petraeus.
The same Barrack Obama that whined about prisoners in Guantanamo Bay, and how they were being denied their rights of HABEAS CORPUS ,and their right to trial under the
Ladies and Gentlemen I give you BARRACK OBAMA :
The only man to receive credit for the " Victory in Iraq " .
Yet , he did it all with the same people , policies, tools , and methods of George Bush .
Was he WRONG then?
Is he WRONG now ?
Or does he just LIE and PANDER and spin things to feed his HUGE EGO , and advance his candidacy for PRESIDENT of The United Nations ?
Is Obama TOTALLY disingenuous?
Does he take EVERYONE in AMERICA as a FOOL or STUPID ?
BARRACK OBAMA The only President to be " Held hostage " by an evil Republican minority that blocks his agenda .
The same evil Republicans that hold a MINORITY in the HOUSE and SENATE and are MATHEMATICALLY incapable of BLOCKING any legislation submitted by the TYRANTS currently in Control of the White House , Senate ,and House of Representatives .
The same BARRACK OBAMA that KNEW the war strategy wouldn't work and was VOCAL about his opposition ,and will now take CREDIT for everything that has gone well.
The same BARRACK OBAMA that said if he had the chance to vote again , he would have voted AGAINST the IRAQ SURGE ,AFTER it worked , yet Tuesday night will take credit for it working !!!
The same BARRACK OBAMA that never admitted the SURGE worked .
The same BARRACK OBAMA that will NEVER admit he was wrong about the surge .
Can some one explain to me how the " Failed Bush War Policies " are different from the same Policies Obama is using ?
Is the car in " " or is it in "D"?
If it is in "D" , do we just have BOZO the Clown driving in Circles ,in what can only be described as a
8-3-2010 11:15 AM EST
Brian Williams of NBC news sat down with Obama for a 22 minute segment of propaganda that the " UNBIASED "& HUGE DONOR TO OBAMA ",network will try and pass off as an interview.
Brian Williams has SEVERAL opportunities to ask Obama follow up questions to HELP the President get his point across , but instead , sticks to what could only be described as a pre-scripted guide obtained directly from the White House .
One of the first questions Obama SHOULD have been asked is , if it is true that workers at the White House have been busy installing new carpets, drapes, painting, etc. in Oval Office, while Obama was vacationing in Martha's Vineyard.
Williams asks Obama at the 10:25 mark if Obama is concerned that 1/5 of Americans believe Obama is a Muslim .
No mention that another 1/3 of Americans DO NOT KNOW what religion Obama practices ?
Obama SHOULD have answered that it SHOULDN'T matter which religion he is because ( staying consistent with his views on the GZM and Glenn Beck's rally ) this is America and we have the Freedom of Religion .
INSTEAD ,Obama replies "American born and Muslim aren't the same , the FACTS ARE THE FACTS ".
Williams didnt ask " which facts " or " Mr President let's run through the facts once again to clear the air once and for all " ?
Much less " facts ? , what facts" ?
What does that mean ? That he was born in the USA and NOT a Muslim ?
Or that as a Muslim that doesn't mean he WAS born in the USA?
Or that Muslims born in America really aren't citizens ?
WOW the question is about his RELIGIOUS beliefs , not where he was BORN.
Is this a Freudian slip ?
IS Obama implying that it's UN AMERICAN to be MUSLIM ?
What does where he was born have to do with his religion ?
After all, he expects us to believe he was adopted by a Muslim father , took the surname of SOETORO , attended a MUSLIM school in Indonesia ,and all the time remained a Christian ?
Obama had DUAL citizenship ,and let his Kenyan citizenship EXPIRE .
Obama lost his Kenyan citizenship on Aug. 4, 1984. The Kenyan Constitution required Obama to choose whether to keep either his U.S. or Kenyan citizenship upon his 21st birthday, which was( supposedly ) in 1982. He initially missed that , the Constitution provided him a two-year window for making that choice. So Obama didn't lose his Kenyan citizenship until his 23rd birthday in 1984.
Was he BAPTIZED before or after 1984?
"The facts are the facts " , uhmm yes they are , except Obama hasn't provided any proof of his Christian belief, only that" FACTS are FACTS ".
Which facts ?
What are the facts about ?
The Sun is hot ?
The Sky is Blue ?
Shouldn't there be a BAPTISM record for little BARRY SOETORO that would enlighten us poor, dumb, mindless Americans clinging to our bibles and guns ,as that he is indeed a believer of Jesus ?
Remember Obama criticizing AMERICANS for " clinging to guns and religion"?
So was he saying that the 2ND Amendment is no good ?
That Christian religion is bad ?
That MUSLIMS shouldn't have the right to have guns ?
He was speaking of Americans , so WHAT was he criticizing ?
GUNS ? ...couldnt be that because he promised he supported the 2ND Amendment DESPITE recently BANNING the importation of US MADE GARAND rifles that South Korea wanted to sell back to collectors here in the USA ( Google lend lease )
Was he criticizing MUSLIMS ? ,CHRISTIANS ,JEWS? just who or what was he criticizing?
What about his school records ?
College transcripts ?
Financial records of how his college tuition was paid ?
His adoption records ?
Mother's divorce records?
Harvard Law Review writings ? ( we are told he wrote BRILLIANT reviews and was the FIRST black man to write for the review , yet NO ONE is allowed to see them ) ?
His mother's ( NOW INEXPLICABLEY LOST ) passport records?
More importantly why did OBAMA NOT look DIRECTLY INTO THE CAMERA and say
" I am a Christian and JESUS CHRIST is my savior "
Obama at the 12:30 mark explains " I cant go around with my birth certificate plastered to my head "

Is it hard to understand why,that under the " Most transparent administration ever"
Obama has paid 3 MILLION dollars to keep all of OBAMA'S records from the very people who elected him ?
Is Obama really telling us we are all to0 STUPID to get it ?
George Bush was OFTEN criticized about his Christian beliefs and the media tried to convince us that these VERY BELIEFS , made him an UNFIT president .
Now it's Different because BARRY is NOT a Muslim and the FACTS bear this out ?
At around the 14:50 mark Obama remarks , that a person like a Glen Beck is able to stir a PORTION of the country .
HMMMMM is this the same PORTION that give OBAMA a thumbs down ( no poll has obama above 48 % and MOST have him at 40-42% )
The same portion that believe the country is headed in the wrong direction?
The same portion ( 70% ) that believe building a Mosque 2 blocks from Ground zero is a bad idea ?
This portion is a MAJORITY and as the " SMARTEST HUMAN ON THE PLANET" ( unseen FACTS back this up ) Obama should realize what the simple term MAJORITY means ?
Does he need to borrow George Stephanopoulos' DICTIONARY ?
You know the same Dictionary Obama SCOLDED George from reciting the definition of TAX and asking if OBAMACARE wasnt really a tax ?
A notion OBAMA DENIED , now has his BEST LAWYERS , defending OBAMACARE enforcement as a TAX.
Maybe this sentence he recited to Williams sums it up ?
"I'm not going to be worried too much about what rumors are floating around there."
Sounds like he is not to much WORRIED about the MAJORITY of citizens in this country and what they think or want their ELECTED officials to do !!
The facts are
1)The economy is doing great and we are headed in the right direction .Ask Joe Biden he knows , never mind all that jobs, GDP ,and other economic data BS .
2)The Republicans have BLOCKED ALL of Obama's Agenda , despite the Democrats holding majorities in both the House and Senate that make this statement MATHEMATICALLY impossible .
3)The oil is all gone from the GULF , despite several non government based studies that show that a 23 mile long underwater river of oil exists and that river accounts for 75% of the oil leaked.
Obama opens his mouth and either a LIE exits or he makes a STUPID offensive remark.
AMERICANS have simple straight forward questions , and they DEMAND simple ( yes or no ) Answers that are VERIFIABLE .
Johnson knew he was TOAST when he " LOST CRONKITE " .
Obama has lost the TRUST and FAITH of the MAJORITY of Americans .
His Job is to SECURE OUR BORDERS , and make sure every American is safe .
As ANY president makes policy and economic decisions it his DUTY to explain it to the citizens and reassure them with FACTS of how things are going .
We are being RULED and not Governed .
Marie said " Let them eat cake " because she had been explained the FACTS .
The facts were the FRENCH citizens were not starving , in FACT they were well FED !!
MOOOCHELLE says " Let them eat oily and tainted shrimp and seafood while I dine on Lobster in Martha's Vineyard and get new drapery and carpeting in the White House .
Brian Williams of NBC news sat down with Obama for a 22 minute segment of propaganda that the " UNBIASED "& HUGE DONOR TO OBAMA ",network will try and pass off as an interview.
Brian Williams has SEVERAL opportunities to ask Obama follow up questions to HELP the President get his point across , but instead , sticks to what could only be described as a pre-scripted guide obtained directly from the White House .
One of the first questions Obama SHOULD have been asked is , if it is true that workers at the White House have been busy installing new carpets, drapes, painting, etc. in Oval Office, while Obama was vacationing in Martha's Vineyard.
Williams asks Obama at the 10:25 mark if Obama is concerned that 1/5 of Americans believe Obama is a Muslim .
No mention that another 1/3 of Americans DO NOT KNOW what religion Obama practices ?
Obama SHOULD have answered that it SHOULDN'T matter which religion he is because ( staying consistent with his views on the GZM and Glenn Beck's rally ) this is America and we have the Freedom of Religion .
INSTEAD ,Obama replies "American born and Muslim aren't the same , the FACTS ARE THE FACTS ".
Williams didnt ask " which facts " or " Mr President let's run through the facts once again to clear the air once and for all " ?
Much less " facts ? , what facts" ?
What does that mean ? That he was born in the USA and NOT a Muslim ?
Or that as a Muslim that doesn't mean he WAS born in the USA?
Or that Muslims born in America really aren't citizens ?
WOW the question is about his RELIGIOUS beliefs , not where he was BORN.
Is this a Freudian slip ?
IS Obama implying that it's UN AMERICAN to be MUSLIM ?
What does where he was born have to do with his religion ?
After all, he expects us to believe he was adopted by a Muslim father , took the surname of SOETORO , attended a MUSLIM school in Indonesia ,and all the time remained a Christian ?
Obama had DUAL citizenship ,and let his Kenyan citizenship EXPIRE .
Obama lost his Kenyan citizenship on Aug. 4, 1984. The Kenyan Constitution required Obama to choose whether to keep either his U.S. or Kenyan citizenship upon his 21st birthday, which was( supposedly ) in 1982. He initially missed that , the Constitution provided him a two-year window for making that choice. So Obama didn't lose his Kenyan citizenship until his 23rd birthday in 1984.
Was he BAPTIZED before or after 1984?
"The facts are the facts " , uhmm yes they are , except Obama hasn't provided any proof of his Christian belief, only that" FACTS are FACTS ".
Which facts ?
What are the facts about ?
The Sun is hot ?
The Sky is Blue ?
Shouldn't there be a BAPTISM record for little BARRY SOETORO that would enlighten us poor, dumb, mindless Americans clinging to our bibles and guns ,as that he is indeed a believer of Jesus ?
Remember Obama criticizing AMERICANS for " clinging to guns and religion"?
So was he saying that the 2ND Amendment is no good ?
That Christian religion is bad ?
That MUSLIMS shouldn't have the right to have guns ?
He was speaking of Americans , so WHAT was he criticizing ?
GUNS ? ...couldnt be that because he promised he supported the 2ND Amendment DESPITE recently BANNING the importation of US MADE GARAND rifles that South Korea wanted to sell back to collectors here in the USA ( Google lend lease )
Was he criticizing MUSLIMS ? ,CHRISTIANS ,JEWS? just who or what was he criticizing?
What about his school records ?
College transcripts ?
Financial records of how his college tuition was paid ?
His adoption records ?
Mother's divorce records?
Harvard Law Review writings ? ( we are told he wrote BRILLIANT reviews and was the FIRST black man to write for the review , yet NO ONE is allowed to see them ) ?
His mother's ( NOW INEXPLICABLEY LOST ) passport records?
More importantly why did OBAMA NOT look DIRECTLY INTO THE CAMERA and say
" I am a Christian and JESUS CHRIST is my savior "
Obama at the 12:30 mark explains " I cant go around with my birth certificate plastered to my head "

Is it hard to understand why,that under the " Most transparent administration ever"
Obama has paid 3 MILLION dollars to keep all of OBAMA'S records from the very people who elected him ?
Is Obama really telling us we are all to0 STUPID to get it ?
George Bush was OFTEN criticized about his Christian beliefs and the media tried to convince us that these VERY BELIEFS , made him an UNFIT president .
Now it's Different because BARRY is NOT a Muslim and the FACTS bear this out ?
At around the 14:50 mark Obama remarks , that a person like a Glen Beck is able to stir a PORTION of the country .
HMMMMM is this the same PORTION that give OBAMA a thumbs down ( no poll has obama above 48 % and MOST have him at 40-42% )
The same portion that believe the country is headed in the wrong direction?
The same portion ( 70% ) that believe building a Mosque 2 blocks from Ground zero is a bad idea ?
This portion is a MAJORITY and as the " SMARTEST HUMAN ON THE PLANET" ( unseen FACTS back this up ) Obama should realize what the simple term MAJORITY means ?
Does he need to borrow George Stephanopoulos' DICTIONARY ?
You know the same Dictionary Obama SCOLDED George from reciting the definition of TAX and asking if OBAMACARE wasnt really a tax ?
A notion OBAMA DENIED , now has his BEST LAWYERS , defending OBAMACARE enforcement as a TAX.
Maybe this sentence he recited to Williams sums it up ?
"I'm not going to be worried too much about what rumors are floating around there."
Sounds like he is not to much WORRIED about the MAJORITY of citizens in this country and what they think or want their ELECTED officials to do !!
The facts are
1)The economy is doing great and we are headed in the right direction .Ask Joe Biden he knows , never mind all that jobs, GDP ,and other economic data BS .
2)The Republicans have BLOCKED ALL of Obama's Agenda , despite the Democrats holding majorities in both the House and Senate that make this statement MATHEMATICALLY impossible .
3)The oil is all gone from the GULF , despite several non government based studies that show that a 23 mile long underwater river of oil exists and that river accounts for 75% of the oil leaked.
Obama opens his mouth and either a LIE exits or he makes a STUPID offensive remark.
AMERICANS have simple straight forward questions , and they DEMAND simple ( yes or no ) Answers that are VERIFIABLE .
Johnson knew he was TOAST when he " LOST CRONKITE " .
Obama has lost the TRUST and FAITH of the MAJORITY of Americans .
His Job is to SECURE OUR BORDERS , and make sure every American is safe .
As ANY president makes policy and economic decisions it his DUTY to explain it to the citizens and reassure them with FACTS of how things are going .
We are being RULED and not Governed .
Marie said " Let them eat cake " because she had been explained the FACTS .
The facts were the FRENCH citizens were not starving , in FACT they were well FED !!
MOOOCHELLE says " Let them eat oily and tainted shrimp and seafood while I dine on Lobster in Martha's Vineyard and get new drapery and carpeting in the White House .
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
8-25-2010 11:55 AM EST
68 days until the 2010 Midterm elections .
Tuesday was primary day in Arizona, Alaska,Florida ,and Oklahoma.
Chuck Todd re assured ( SPEWED PROPAGANDA authored by AXELROD ) voters that Sarah Palin , should receive little credit for her underdog ( double digits) candidate posting a 2,000 vote lead in Alaska ,with about 2,300 votes left to count.
Likewise, Todd explained , McCain proves that it's not an anti incumbent movement , or a huge rejection of OBAMA and his radical agenda, more that ,well he never made that clear . What he didnt say is " wow lots of people if they had it to do over would have voted for McCain ".
Stay tuned for the mis information, spin ,lies, and obvious propaganda to be advanced by NBC and other Obama media puppets .
The biggest lie going around right now is " BUSH TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH".
" Tell a big enough lie , enough times and they will believe it "
Here is the TRUTH about the " Bush tax cuts "and who really will pay more taxes if they are allowed to expire .
Obama proposes that capital gain and income from dividends be taxes at 20 % ( an increase of 5% ) for the top two tax brackets , and ZERO tax for people making below $63,500 annually ).Rates stay the same for everyone else .
That should encourage the guy working at Wal Mart to invest his whole paycheck in the market, or Make small business owners flee the market in droves?
Most of the people that OBAMA calls " greedy rich people " , own their onw business and will simply buy more expensive company vehicles and attend more TRADE SHOWS to whittle their profit down and still make sure they get all the nice things in life .
The federal minimum wage is currently $ 7.25 an hour .
Notice in the examples below that at the " rich people level " the % of tax increase diminishes , and the burden really will fall on the MIDDLE CLASS !!
* Example 1 .... Employee working 40 hours per week at $7.25 an hour .
40 hours yields a $290.00 weekly GROSS pay check , for an annual income of $15,080.00
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $1,843.00 ( 12.22% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $2,262.00 ( 15% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost the minimum wage employee an ADDITIONAL $419 per year / $8.05 per week . This is an INCREASE of 18.53%
Married filing jointly ( both taxpayers making $7.25 an hour )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $3,687.00 ( 12.22% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $4,524.00 ( 15% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $837.00 per year / $16.1 per week . This is an INCREASE of 18.53%
* Example 2.....Employee working 40 hours per week at $10.00 an hour .
40 hours yields a $400.00 weekly GROSS pay check , for an annual income of $20,080.00
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $2,593.00 ( 12.91% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $3,012.00 ( 15% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this employee an additional $419 per year / $8.05 per week . This is an INCREASE of 13.94%
Married filing jointly ( both taxpayers making $10.00 an hour )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $5,403.00 ( 12.99% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $6,240.00 ( 15% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $837.00 per year / $16.09 per week . This is an INCREASE of 13.42%
* Example 3.....Employee earning an annual income of $28,080.00 ( $13.50 an hour )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $3,793.00 ( 13.51% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $4,450.00 ( 15.85% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this employee an additional $657 per year / $12.63 per week . This is an INCREASE of 14.73%
Married filing jointly ( both taxpayers making $28,080.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $7,587.00 ( 13.51% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $10,024.00 ( 17.85% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $2437.00 per year / $46.86 per week . This is an INCREASE of 24.32% !!!
* Example 4.....Employee earning an annual income of $36,000 annually
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $5,181.00 ( 14.39% of income )javascript:void(0)
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $6,668.00 ( 18.52% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this employee an additional $1,487 per year / $28.60 per week . This is an INCREASE of 22.30%
Married filing jointly ( both taxpayers making $36,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $10,363.00 ( 14.39% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $14,460.00 ( 20.08% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $4,097.00 per year / $78.79 per week . This is an INCREASE of 28.34% !!!
* Example 5.....Employee earning an annual income of $55,000 annually
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $8,681.00 ( 17.36% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $10,588.00 ( 21.18% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this employee an additional $1,907 per year / $36.67 per week . This is an INCREASE of 18.04% !!!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
A-Married filing jointly ( both taxpayers making $55,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $19,863.00 ( 18.06% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $25,221.00 ( 22.93% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $5,358.00 per year / $103.04 per week . This is an INCREASE of 21.24% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
B-Married filing jointly ( Couple making $88,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $14,363.00 ( 16.32% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $18,940.00 ( 21.52% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $4,577.00 per year / $88.02 per week . This is an INCREASE of 24.17% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
* Example 6.....Employee earning an annual income of $70,000 annually
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $13,681.00 ( 19.54% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $16,381.00 ( 23.40% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this employee an additional $2,700 per year / $51.92 per week . This is an INCREASE of 16.50% !!!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
A-Married filing jointly ( both taxpayers making $70,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $27,444.00 ( 19.60% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $34,521.00 ( 24.66% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $7,077.00 per year / $136.10 per week . This is an INCREASE of 21.52% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
B-Married filing jointly ( Couple making $125,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $23,613.00 ( 18.89% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $29,871.00 ( 23.90% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $6,258.00 per year / $120.35 per week . This is an INCREASE of 20.97% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
* Example 7.....Employee earning an annual income of $100,000 annually
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $21,709.00 ( 21.71% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $25,681.00 ( 25.68% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this employee an additional $3,972 per year / $76.38 per week . This is an INCREASE of 15.46% !!!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
A-Married filing jointly ( both taxpayers making $100,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $44,244.00 ( 22.12% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $55,049.00 ( 27.52% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $10,805.00 per year / $207.79 per week . This is an INCREASE of 19.62% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
B-Married filing jointly ( Couple making $170,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $35,844.00 ( 21.08% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $44,249.00 ( 26.03% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $8,405.00 per year / $161.63 per week . This is an INCREASE of 19.02% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
* Example 8.....Employee earning an annual income of $130,000 annually
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $30,109.00 ( 23.16% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $34,981.00 ( 26.91% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this employee an additional $3,972 per year / $76.38 per week . This is an INCREASE of 15.46% !!!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
A-Married filing jointly ( both taxpayers making $130,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $60,281.00 ( 24.11% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $76,049.00 ( 29.25% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $15,768.00 per year / $303.23 per week . This is an INCREASE of 17.57% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
B-Married filing jointly ( Couple making $185,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $40,044.00 ( 21.65% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $49,649.00 ( 26.84% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $9,605.00 per year / $184.71 per week . This is an INCREASE of 19.02% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
* Example 9.....Employee earning an annual income of $160,000 annually
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $38,509.00 ( 24.07% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $45,651.00 ( 28.53% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this employee an additional $7,142 per year / $137.35 per week . This is an INCREASE of 15.63% !!!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
A-Married filing jointly ( both taxpayers making $160,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $83,381.00 ( 26.06% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $98,249.00 ( 30.71% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $14,868.00 per year / $285.92 per week . This is an INCREASE of 15.14% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
B-Married filing jointly ( Couple making $225,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $52,931.00 ( 23.12% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $64,049.00 ( 28.47% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $11,118.00 per year / $213.81 per week . This is an INCREASE of 18.79% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
* Example 10.....Employee earning an annual income of $199,000 annually
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $50,787.00 ( 25.52% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $59,681.00 ( 30.00% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this employee an additional $8,894 per year / $171.04 per week . This is an INCREASE of 14.94% !!!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
A-Married filing jointly ( both taxpayers making $199,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $116,944.00 ( 29.38% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $131,657.00 ( 33.08% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $14,713.00 per year / $282.94 per week . This is an INCREASE of 11.89% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
B-Married filing jointly ( Couple making $240,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $56,981.00 ( 23.74% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $69,449.00 ( 28.94% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $12,468.00 per year / $239.77 per week . This is an INCREASE of 17.97% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
* Example 11.....Employee earning an annual income of $210,000 annually
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $54,417.00 ( 25.52% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $64,011.00 ( 30.48% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this employee an additional $9,594 per year / $184.5 per week . This is an INCREASE of 16.28% !!!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
A-Married filing jointly ( both taxpayers making $210,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $117,308.00 ( 27.93% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $138,898.00 ( 33.09% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $21,590.00 per year / $415.92 per week . This is an INCREASE of 15.54% !!!
B-Married filing jointly ( Couple making $330,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $86,681.00 ( 26.27% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $103,348.00 ( 31.32% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $16,667.00 per year / $320.52 per week . This is an INCREASE of 16.13% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
Example 12.....Employee earning an annual income of $260,000 annually
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $70,917.00 ( 27.28% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $83,811.00 ( 32.23% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this employee an additional $12,894 per year / $247.96 per week . This is an INCREASE of 15.36% !!!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
A-Married filing jointly ( both taxpayers making $260,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $152,308.00 ( 29.29% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $178,588.00 ( 34.34% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $26,280.00 per year / $505.38 per week . This is an INCREASE of 14.71% !!!
B-Married filing jointly ( Couple making $370,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $99,081.00 ( 26.99% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $119,188.00 ( 32.21% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $20,107.00 per year / $386.67 per week . This is an INCREASE of 16.21% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
Here is how Obama will punish the everyday worker and FAMILY
Minimum wager earner will see a 18.53% tax increase vs. the 16.28% increase a guy making over 200 K will incur
Minimum wage family will see a 18.53% tax increase vs. the 17.57% increase family that makes 260K a year.
Who gets hit the hardest in Obama's " SHARE The WEALTH PLAN "?
Individuals making between 25K to 75K , and families making between 45K and 90K per year .
That just about covers everyone not on welfare and doesn't own their own business .
A single taxpayer making over 200K a year will see an increase of 15%-16% compare that to the individual making 36K ( 22.3%) , or the individual making 55K ( 18%).
Families earning 260K a year ( just over Obama's greedy rich people hump) will pay 17.57 % more in taxes .
Compare that to the increase in tax rates for a family earning 56K a year ( 24.32%),
72K a year (28.345), and the family making 88K a year ( 24.17% ) .
Factor in the huge increase of hiring in Government and the HUGE pay raises Obama gave them , and the UNION will make sure that if you make less than UNION SCALE , then you will be awarded the privilege of paying MORE THAN YOUR FAIR SHARE , to offset the " special exemption " the UNION will make Obama give card carrying UNION members.
68 days until the 2010 Midterm elections .
Tuesday was primary day in Arizona, Alaska,Florida ,and Oklahoma.
Chuck Todd re assured ( SPEWED PROPAGANDA authored by AXELROD ) voters that Sarah Palin , should receive little credit for her underdog ( double digits) candidate posting a 2,000 vote lead in Alaska ,with about 2,300 votes left to count.
Likewise, Todd explained , McCain proves that it's not an anti incumbent movement , or a huge rejection of OBAMA and his radical agenda, more that ,well he never made that clear . What he didnt say is " wow lots of people if they had it to do over would have voted for McCain ".
Stay tuned for the mis information, spin ,lies, and obvious propaganda to be advanced by NBC and other Obama media puppets .
The biggest lie going around right now is " BUSH TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH".
" Tell a big enough lie , enough times and they will believe it "
Here is the TRUTH about the " Bush tax cuts "and who really will pay more taxes if they are allowed to expire .
Obama proposes that capital gain and income from dividends be taxes at 20 % ( an increase of 5% ) for the top two tax brackets , and ZERO tax for people making below $63,500 annually ).Rates stay the same for everyone else .
That should encourage the guy working at Wal Mart to invest his whole paycheck in the market, or Make small business owners flee the market in droves?
Most of the people that OBAMA calls " greedy rich people " , own their onw business and will simply buy more expensive company vehicles and attend more TRADE SHOWS to whittle their profit down and still make sure they get all the nice things in life .
The federal minimum wage is currently $ 7.25 an hour .
Notice in the examples below that at the " rich people level " the % of tax increase diminishes , and the burden really will fall on the MIDDLE CLASS !!
* Example 1 .... Employee working 40 hours per week at $7.25 an hour .
40 hours yields a $290.00 weekly GROSS pay check , for an annual income of $15,080.00
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $1,843.00 ( 12.22% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $2,262.00 ( 15% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost the minimum wage employee an ADDITIONAL $419 per year / $8.05 per week . This is an INCREASE of 18.53%
Married filing jointly ( both taxpayers making $7.25 an hour )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $3,687.00 ( 12.22% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $4,524.00 ( 15% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $837.00 per year / $16.1 per week . This is an INCREASE of 18.53%
* Example 2.....Employee working 40 hours per week at $10.00 an hour .
40 hours yields a $400.00 weekly GROSS pay check , for an annual income of $20,080.00
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $2,593.00 ( 12.91% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $3,012.00 ( 15% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this employee an additional $419 per year / $8.05 per week . This is an INCREASE of 13.94%
Married filing jointly ( both taxpayers making $10.00 an hour )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $5,403.00 ( 12.99% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $6,240.00 ( 15% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $837.00 per year / $16.09 per week . This is an INCREASE of 13.42%
* Example 3.....Employee earning an annual income of $28,080.00 ( $13.50 an hour )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $3,793.00 ( 13.51% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $4,450.00 ( 15.85% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this employee an additional $657 per year / $12.63 per week . This is an INCREASE of 14.73%
Married filing jointly ( both taxpayers making $28,080.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $7,587.00 ( 13.51% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $10,024.00 ( 17.85% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $2437.00 per year / $46.86 per week . This is an INCREASE of 24.32% !!!
* Example 4.....Employee earning an annual income of $36,000 annually
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $5,181.00 ( 14.39% of income )javascript:void(0)
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $6,668.00 ( 18.52% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this employee an additional $1,487 per year / $28.60 per week . This is an INCREASE of 22.30%
Married filing jointly ( both taxpayers making $36,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $10,363.00 ( 14.39% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $14,460.00 ( 20.08% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $4,097.00 per year / $78.79 per week . This is an INCREASE of 28.34% !!!
* Example 5.....Employee earning an annual income of $55,000 annually
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $8,681.00 ( 17.36% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $10,588.00 ( 21.18% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this employee an additional $1,907 per year / $36.67 per week . This is an INCREASE of 18.04% !!!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
A-Married filing jointly ( both taxpayers making $55,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $19,863.00 ( 18.06% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $25,221.00 ( 22.93% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $5,358.00 per year / $103.04 per week . This is an INCREASE of 21.24% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
B-Married filing jointly ( Couple making $88,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $14,363.00 ( 16.32% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $18,940.00 ( 21.52% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $4,577.00 per year / $88.02 per week . This is an INCREASE of 24.17% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
* Example 6.....Employee earning an annual income of $70,000 annually
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $13,681.00 ( 19.54% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $16,381.00 ( 23.40% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this employee an additional $2,700 per year / $51.92 per week . This is an INCREASE of 16.50% !!!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
A-Married filing jointly ( both taxpayers making $70,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $27,444.00 ( 19.60% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $34,521.00 ( 24.66% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $7,077.00 per year / $136.10 per week . This is an INCREASE of 21.52% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
B-Married filing jointly ( Couple making $125,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $23,613.00 ( 18.89% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $29,871.00 ( 23.90% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $6,258.00 per year / $120.35 per week . This is an INCREASE of 20.97% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
* Example 7.....Employee earning an annual income of $100,000 annually
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $21,709.00 ( 21.71% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $25,681.00 ( 25.68% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this employee an additional $3,972 per year / $76.38 per week . This is an INCREASE of 15.46% !!!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
A-Married filing jointly ( both taxpayers making $100,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $44,244.00 ( 22.12% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $55,049.00 ( 27.52% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $10,805.00 per year / $207.79 per week . This is an INCREASE of 19.62% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
B-Married filing jointly ( Couple making $170,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $35,844.00 ( 21.08% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $44,249.00 ( 26.03% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $8,405.00 per year / $161.63 per week . This is an INCREASE of 19.02% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
* Example 8.....Employee earning an annual income of $130,000 annually
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $30,109.00 ( 23.16% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $34,981.00 ( 26.91% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this employee an additional $3,972 per year / $76.38 per week . This is an INCREASE of 15.46% !!!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
A-Married filing jointly ( both taxpayers making $130,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $60,281.00 ( 24.11% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $76,049.00 ( 29.25% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $15,768.00 per year / $303.23 per week . This is an INCREASE of 17.57% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
B-Married filing jointly ( Couple making $185,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $40,044.00 ( 21.65% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $49,649.00 ( 26.84% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $9,605.00 per year / $184.71 per week . This is an INCREASE of 19.02% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
* Example 9.....Employee earning an annual income of $160,000 annually
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $38,509.00 ( 24.07% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $45,651.00 ( 28.53% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this employee an additional $7,142 per year / $137.35 per week . This is an INCREASE of 15.63% !!!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
A-Married filing jointly ( both taxpayers making $160,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $83,381.00 ( 26.06% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $98,249.00 ( 30.71% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $14,868.00 per year / $285.92 per week . This is an INCREASE of 15.14% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
B-Married filing jointly ( Couple making $225,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $52,931.00 ( 23.12% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $64,049.00 ( 28.47% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $11,118.00 per year / $213.81 per week . This is an INCREASE of 18.79% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
* Example 10.....Employee earning an annual income of $199,000 annually
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $50,787.00 ( 25.52% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $59,681.00 ( 30.00% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this employee an additional $8,894 per year / $171.04 per week . This is an INCREASE of 14.94% !!!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
A-Married filing jointly ( both taxpayers making $199,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $116,944.00 ( 29.38% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $131,657.00 ( 33.08% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $14,713.00 per year / $282.94 per week . This is an INCREASE of 11.89% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
B-Married filing jointly ( Couple making $240,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $56,981.00 ( 23.74% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $69,449.00 ( 28.94% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $12,468.00 per year / $239.77 per week . This is an INCREASE of 17.97% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
* Example 11.....Employee earning an annual income of $210,000 annually
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $54,417.00 ( 25.52% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $64,011.00 ( 30.48% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this employee an additional $9,594 per year / $184.5 per week . This is an INCREASE of 16.28% !!!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
A-Married filing jointly ( both taxpayers making $210,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $117,308.00 ( 27.93% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $138,898.00 ( 33.09% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $21,590.00 per year / $415.92 per week . This is an INCREASE of 15.54% !!!
B-Married filing jointly ( Couple making $330,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $86,681.00 ( 26.27% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $103,348.00 ( 31.32% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $16,667.00 per year / $320.52 per week . This is an INCREASE of 16.13% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
Example 12.....Employee earning an annual income of $260,000 annually
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ........ $70,917.00 ( 27.28% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $83,811.00 ( 32.23% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this employee an additional $12,894 per year / $247.96 per week . This is an INCREASE of 15.36% !!!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
A-Married filing jointly ( both taxpayers making $260,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $152,308.00 ( 29.29% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $178,588.00 ( 34.34% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $26,280.00 per year / $505.38 per week . This is an INCREASE of 14.71% !!!
B-Married filing jointly ( Couple making $370,000.00 a year )
"Failed Bush policy " tax due ....... $99,081.00 ( 26.99% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " Tax due .... $119,188.00 ( 32.21% of income )
"Obama Punish the Rich " plan will cost this Couple an ADDITIONAL $20,107.00 per year / $386.67 per week . This is an INCREASE of 16.21% !!!
" I will not raise your taxes if you make less than 250K per year "
--Barack Obama telling one of thousands of lies during his 2008 campaign.
Here is how Obama will punish the everyday worker and FAMILY
Minimum wager earner will see a 18.53% tax increase vs. the 16.28% increase a guy making over 200 K will incur
Minimum wage family will see a 18.53% tax increase vs. the 17.57% increase family that makes 260K a year.
Who gets hit the hardest in Obama's " SHARE The WEALTH PLAN "?
Individuals making between 25K to 75K , and families making between 45K and 90K per year .
That just about covers everyone not on welfare and doesn't own their own business .
A single taxpayer making over 200K a year will see an increase of 15%-16% compare that to the individual making 36K ( 22.3%) , or the individual making 55K ( 18%).
Families earning 260K a year ( just over Obama's greedy rich people hump) will pay 17.57 % more in taxes .
Compare that to the increase in tax rates for a family earning 56K a year ( 24.32%),
72K a year (28.345), and the family making 88K a year ( 24.17% ) .
Factor in the huge increase of hiring in Government and the HUGE pay raises Obama gave them , and the UNION will make sure that if you make less than UNION SCALE , then you will be awarded the privilege of paying MORE THAN YOUR FAIR SHARE , to offset the " special exemption " the UNION will make Obama give card carrying UNION members.
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