Next he made a crack about her being dead before it would be time to vote again.
A You Tube vid has emerged recently from 8-21-2010 where Bobby defends voting for Pelosi and says " She put me on 3 committees and gave me MILLIONS of dollars " , he also states " he had no choice " .
Next he is asked if he would vote for Pelosi again and he says " I certainly do not want to "
Now he claims his constituents do not want a LIBERAL controlling the House of Representatives .
Now mere weeks before the Election Bobby says he will NOT vote for Pelosi
Every one has heard Obama say " I inherited this mess from Bush "
Not even close to being true.
In 2006 Pelosi gained control of the House .
PELOSI has credit for the 2008 budget
Pelosi with held the 2009 budget from BUSH and let Obama sign it when he was sworn in .
Pelosi wrote the 2010 budget
Pelosi would not allow a vote for the 2011 budget and withheld it so it would not be available for the Mid Terms .

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