Thursday, September 16, 2010


11:30 AM EST

To silly to believe , or inevitable after Claire McCaskill and Sebelius have made comments about " RE EDUCATION " ?
Sebelius warned Insurance companies that if they raised premiums or made statements unfriendly to Obama care they would risk being denied participation in the Health Pools beginning in 2014 .

The State of Pennsylvania has been paying a private contractor to spy on non-threatening protesters exercising their First Amendment rights

Gov. Ed Rendell says he's embarrassed that the state of Pennsylvania has paid a non profit group $125,000.00 to compile a list of protesters in order to protect "public infrastructure."

HMMMM so does Gov. Rendell expect us to believe that this happened in his state and the Department of Homeland Security reviewed the data, made observations about the protesters and provided that to law enforcement and government officials as well as gas drilling companies, and the good governor KNEW NOTHING about it ?

HMMMM what could that imply ? That he is a BOZO and should resign ?
That his administration is rotten to the core ?

Perhaps the REAL answer is that this goes back to the White House ( Which it does because HHS is involved ) and because the news has leaked out he is SHOCKED ?

The SURVEILLANCE involved protesters against shale gas drilling, a rally regarding education and ANTI-TAX EFFORTS .

So what we have here is a STATE within our borders , surveilling private citizens involved in a peaceful , non violent gathering ,exercising their FIRST AMENDMENT rights .
The names ( Could we draw the reasonable conclusion that photos, audio and video also exist ?) are then compiled into a " MASTER LIST " .

This list is then sent to the DEPARTMENT of HOMELAND SECURITY , and HHS analyzes the information and makes observations and sends ALL the information back to LAW ENFORCEMENT and GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS , AND the very companies that are the target of the protests !

Does Janet Napolitano have so much spare time on her hands because she has secured the Mexican border and run all the Terrorists out of the country and changed and TESTED all the failed policies of TSA concerning terrorists aboard international flights ending in America she is spying on Americans for grins and giggles ?


**Is ED Rendell in weekly contact with RAHM and other White House Thugs ?
Is he on the " morning strategy call with GEORGE STEPHANOPOULUS and White House staff ?

**When will the data be made PUBLIC ?

**Who at HHS authorized this ?

**Did action by HHS require authorization from the White House ?

**Where is the list of Agencies , people , and companies that the information was disseminated to ?

**What will ERIC HOLDER and the DOJ do about this ?

**Why do we have laws that forbid the CIA from this kind of action on U.S. soil and yet HHS is free to do it ? ( is this more of a " FAILED BUSH POLICY " that OBAMA has embraced ?)

** Where is the A.C.L.U and why haven't they sent a wide eyed college to a fedral court building to file a lawsuit ?

** Why has NO ONE been fired or resigned ?

** Shouldn't Gov. Ed Rendell resign ?

** Is Gov. Ed Rendell so incompetent that this happened and he knew NOTHING About it?

**Did Gov. Ed Rendell know about it the whole time and kept quiet ?

Seems like a " I am shocked " is just not going to work for this act of FASCISM .

The best part of it all ?
The information came to light ONLY because the news about the warnings came out via an e-mail the state actually sent – by mistake – to and opponent of a gas drilling project.

"It's 1939 all over again , vote for a corrupt Democrat and Obama will lead us to FASCISM "
LA , LA , LA

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